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Hi Pat,<br><br>Thank you for your hint! Unfortunately I would need one more step:<br>The reason is that the last filter after the while loop will return a<br>vtkFileSeriesReader where I can't find or access the file information<br>property.<br>Looking at the doxygen documentation it in principle should have, but<br>perhaps not everything is wrapped into the ParaView VTK module.<br><br>Markus<br><br><div>> From: pat.marion@kitware.com<br>> Date: Wed, 23 Nov 2011 16:28:15 -0500<br>> Subject: Re: [Paraview] Python Programmable Filter: Get Filename of Import filter<br>> To: m_fuger@hotmail.com<br>> CC: paraview@paraview.org<br>> <br>> Hi Markus,<br>> <br>> You can walk up the filter pipeline from the python programmable<br>> filter like this:<br>> <br>> <br>> filter = self<br>> <br>> while filter.GetInput():<br>> filter = filter.GetInput().GetProducerPort().GetProducer()<br>> <br>> print filter.GetClassName()<br>> <br>> <br>> <br>> This is technique is also discouraged :) Filters should be self<br>> contained algorithms and that do not make assumptions about their<br>> upstream connections. But, if it works, it works!<br>> <br>> Pat<br>> <br>> On Wed, Nov 23, 2011 at 2:47 PM, Markus Fuger <m_fuger@hotmail.com> wrote:<br>> > Hello,<br>> ><br>> > it seems if my question formulated in a previous thread<br>> > (http://www.paraview.org/pipermail/paraview/2011-November/023318.html) did<br>> > not really decribe what I needed.<br>> ><br>> > I do like to get the information of the<br>> > ImportFilter.GetPropertyValue('FileNameInfo') in a Programmable Filter,<br>> > namely the filename (and directory) of the recent file in a file series.<br>> > (I believe that I can get to the most upper filter by a while loop. But to<br>> > apply that scheme I would first of all need the filter object of the<br>> > programmable filer)<br>> ><br>> > On the previous thread I was blamed to not follow the seperation of the<br>> > client - server. Due to the fact, that both (at least for the moment) run on<br>> > the same maschine, this should not be the largest problem.<br>> ><br>> > Thank you in advance,<br>> > Markus<br>> ><br>> > _______________________________________________<br>> > Powered by www.kitware.com<br>> ><br>> > Visit other Kitware open-source projects at<br>> > http://www.kitware.com/opensource/opensource.html<br>> ><br>> > Please keep messages on-topic and check the ParaView Wiki at:<br>> > http://paraview.org/Wiki/ParaView<br>> ><br>> > Follow this link to subscribe/unsubscribe:<br>> > http://www.paraview.org/mailman/listinfo/paraview<br>> ><br>> ><br></div>                                            </div></body>