Hi,<div>When loading an Ensight 6, ASCII with "transient single file format" and "scalar per element" variable in paraview I get the error message:</div><div><div><i>ERROR: In /home/kitware/Dashboards/MyTests/ParaView-master/VTK/IO/vtkEnSight6Reader.cxx, line 1187</i></div>
<div><i>vtkEnSight6Reader (0x24b5640): invalid element type</i></div></div><div>The message is repeated twice when loading a file with 3 time steps.</div><div><br></div><div>I have attached a simple example as a tarball. Here are the specs of the example:</div>
<div>- geometry: 8 nodes, 2 elements (quad4).</div><div>- variables:</div><div> - vector per node: displacements.</div><div> - scalar per element: pressure.</div><div>- 3 time steps</div><div><br></div><div>The tarball has two subdirectories:</div>
<div>- AsciiMultipleFile: the example in a "transient multiple file format"</div><div>- AsciiSingleFile: the example in a "transient single file format"</div><div><br></div><div>The "transient multiple file format" works. The "transient single file format" works if only the geometry and the "vector per node" variables (displacement) are specified, but fails if the "scalar per element" variables (pressure) are included. The "transient single file format" files were basically built by concatenating the "transient multiple file format" files and adding the "BEGIN TIME STEP" and "END TIME STEP" headers between the time steps.</div>
<div><br></div><div>I am running paraview v. 3.12.0 Linux x86, 64 bit that I downloaded as a binary, on a Linux CentOS 5.7 (x86_64).</div><div><br></div><div>Thanks,</div><div>David</div><div><br></div><div><br></div>