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Hi, Utkarsh,<br>
sorry I forgot to replay to the list. I wrote Marcelo yesterday<br>
"Dear Marcelo,
try Edit->Settings->Render View and disable "Use
Offscreenrendering for Screenshots".
The animation will take more time, but the memory ussage is constant
We have the same problem when proccessing a large number of
timesteps in PV 3.12.
Best wishes,
And he said now it's working fine.<br>
But in fact, this does not solve the real problem.<br>
I have a GTX580 GPU with NVIDIA 290.10 64bit proprietär driver and
the same memory leak when proccessing a large number of files
(>200 by fileseriesreader->vtkreader or my own liggghts plugin
Can you please tell me how to check if OSMesa is used or not and how
to track down where the memory leak comes from (it is not the
reader) ?<br>
Am 21.02.2012 16:19, schrieb Utkarsh Ayachit:
<pre wrap="">Marcelo,
Is this using OSMesa for offscreen rendering? There was a memory leak
in 3.10.0 that has been subsequently fixed when saving animations with
OS Mesa and offscreen rendering enabled.
On Mon, Feb 20, 2012 at 6:23 AM, Marcelo Emmel <a class="moz-txt-link-rfc2396E" href="mailto:marcelo@emmel.eng.br"><marcelo@emmel.eng.br></a> wrote:
<blockquote type="cite">
<pre wrap="">Jean Favre <jfavre <at> cscs.ch> writes:
<blockquote type="cite">
<pre wrap="">
Berk Geveci wrote:
<blockquote type="cite">
<pre wrap="">To animate particles in a
steady-state flow field, I'd think that you would generate streamlines
and then somehow animate particles along those.
<pre wrap="">
this is exactly the technique I use. Generate streamlines. Then
iso-contour the streamline object with the scalar field
"IntegrationTime". Use a single threshold. Then animate the threshold
value. Use Mode=Sequence, get a ramp between minimum time and maximun time.
Use Glyphs (small spheres or arrows) attached to the iso-valued contours
and they will "animate" their position along the streamlines.
Swiss national Supercomputing Center
<pre wrap="">
Dear Jean Favre,
Thanks a lot, you showed me the way after a long search time!
I am facing a new problem now: when making animations, Paraview uses all
available memory then crashes (I am using Paraview 3.12.0 64bit). I just can
make about 400 frames before crashing. After producing the animation, I do not
know how to "flush" memory, since it remains busy.
Thanks a lot and congratulations for your job.
Best regards,
Marcelo Emmel
Mechanical Engineer, MSc
<a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href="http://www.emmel.eng.br">www.emmel.eng.br</a>
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