<html><head><title>Re: [Paraview] small bug in VTK/Utilities/vtktiff compilation for windows only</title>
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<span style=" font-family:'Courier New'; font-size: 9pt;">Hello Jagjeet,<br>
We have tested a fix for this, with patch submitted at:<br>
</span><a href="http://www.paraview.org/Bug/view.php?id=13095">http://www.paraview.org/Bug/view.php?id=13095</a><br>
<span style=" font-family:'Courier New'; font-size: 9pt;">Wednesday, February 15, 2012, 10:55:45 PM, you wrote:<br>
<td width=15 bgcolor= #0000ff><br>
<td width=796><span style=" font-family:'courier new'; font-size: 9pt;">Hi,<br>
vtktiff library choose to ignore to export few symbols like vtk_TIFFSetTagExtender in Windows. This is done by limiting function names in vtktiff.def file.<br>
This is not the case for Linux compilation where all functions are available.<br>
Is there a particular reason for not exporting all functions from vtktiff libraray in Windows.<br>
This creates problem when Somebody tries to use these not exported functions...<br>
with regards<br>
Jagjeet Nain</td>
<span style=" font-family:'arial'; color: #c0c0c0;"><i>-- <br>
Best regards,<br>
Ian </i></span><a style=" font-style: normal;" href="mailto:ianc@acm.org">mailto:ianc@acm.org</a></body>