We are interested in using paraviewweb in <div>our lab and integrate it with the segmentation</div><div>tools we are developing. </div><div><br></div><div>We were able to install and use paraviewweb on my </div><div>local machine. All the examples, shuttle, service etc </div>
<div>worked as expected. </div><div><br></div><div>Our second installation was on a server without X. </div><div>The installation went fine but webgl does not </div><div>seem to work for this installation however JS, Java, Flex are </div>
<div>all working. Could this be related to the graphics card of </div><div>the machine ? I am not a paraview or GL expert but if </div><div>paraview is doing server side rendering and the graphics </div><div>card is not compatible for webgl, then this would be a </div>
<div>problem I guess ? </div><div><br></div><div>Any clues are greatly appreciated. </div><div><br></div><div>Cagatay </div>