<html><head><style> body {height: 100%; color:#000000; font-size:12pt; font-family:Times New Roman;}</style></head><body>Hi everybody,<br> I have another question, I hope that you can help me.<br> So, my class vtkOtsuSphereSource has an attribute name "OpThreshold" of type double.<br> I want to Set it value using ParaView.<br> I followed an tutorial from which I can get my job done by adding some tab in my .xml file. the tutorial I told is in the IEEE Vis 09 conference.<br><br> So, to set OpThreshold, I added the followed tab : <br> <DoubleVectorProperty name="OpThreshold" command="SetOpThreshold" number_of_elements ="1" default_values="0"><br> </DoubleVectorProperty> <br> And normaly, I can entre a value in a box in ParaView GUI. but I have a Core Dump, here is what I have as error : <br><span> </span><br><br>paraview: /home/thtran/PV/ParaView/src/ParaViewCore/ServerImplementation/vtkSIProxy.cxx:453: virtual bool vtkSIProxy::ReadXMLProperty(vtkPVXMLElement*): Assertion `!name.empty() && this->GetSIProperty(name.c_str()) == __null' failed.<br>Aborted (core dumped)<br> <span> I think that I don't get the .xml written as expected but I don't have any idea where is the problem.<br> Please help me. It is really important for me to get through this. <br><span> </span><br></span> My .xml is as followed : <br> <br> ==================================================================== <br> <ServerManagerConfiguration><br> <ProxyGroup name="filters"><br> <SourceProxy name="OtsuSphereSource" class="vtkOtsuSphereSource" label="Otsu Sphere Source"><br><br> <Documentation<br> long_help="Ce filtre calcule a partir dune image donnee le meilleur seuil"<br> short_help="Calcule meilleur seuil"><br> </Documentation><br><br> <InputProperty<br> name="Input"<br> command="SetInputConnection"><br> <ProxyGroupDomain name="groups"><br> <Group name="sources"/><br> <Group name="filters"/><br> </ProxyGroupDomain><br> <DataTypeDomain name="input_type"><br> <DataType value="vtkImageData"/><br> </DataTypeDomain><br> </InputProperty><br> <DoubleVectorProperty name="OpThreshold" command="SetOpThreshold" number_of_elements ="1" default_values="0"><br> </DoubleVectorProperty> <br> <DoubleVectorProperty name = "OpThreshold" command="GetOpThreshold" number_of_elements = "1" default_values="0" information_only="1"><br> </DoubleVectorProperty> <br><br> </SourceProxy><br> </ProxyGroup> <br></ServerManagerConfiguration><br><span>===========================================================================</span></body></html>