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Hi Leo,<br>
Thanks, yes please send your fixes, or you could also push them to
github. Which ever you prefer.<br>
On 06/08/2012 09:10 AM, Yuanxin Liu wrote:
type="cite">Hi, <br>
I have recently gotten Burlen's code and updated it to work with
the latest ParaView. Aside from vtkstd, there are also a few
backward incompatible VTK changes ( see the VTK6.0 section on the
VTK wiki). But it is not too much work. I will be happy send
either of you my code changes if you need a reference.<br>
<div class="gmail_quote">On Fri, Jun 8, 2012 at 10:25 AM, Stephan
Rogge <span dir="ltr"><<a moz-do-not-send="true"
href="mailto:Stephan.Rogge@tu-cottbus.de" target="_blank">Stephan.Rogge@tu-cottbus.de</a>></span>
<blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="margin:0 0 0
.8ex;border-left:1px #ccc solid;padding-left:1ex">Someone told
me that you have to clear your build directory completely and<br>
start a fresh PV build.<br>
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----<br>
Von: burlen [mailto:<a moz-do-not-send="true"
href="mailto:burlen.loring@gmail.com" target="_blank">burlen.loring@gmail.com</a>]<br>
Gesendet: Freitag, 8. Juni 2012 16:21<br>
<div>An: Stephan Rogge<br>
Cc: 'Yuanxin Liu'; <a moz-do-not-send="true"
href="mailto:paraview@paraview.org" target="_blank">paraview@paraview.org</a><br>
Betreff: Re: [Paraview] Parallel Streamtracer<br>
Hi Stephan,<br>
Oh, thanks for the update, I wasn't aware of these
changes. I have been<br>
working with 3.14.1.<br>
On 06/08/2012 01:47 AM, Stephan Rogge wrote:<br>
> Hello Burlen,<br>
> thank you very much for your post. I really would
like to test your<br>
> plugin and so I've start to build it. Unfortunately
I've got a lot of<br>
> compiler errors (e.g. vtkstd isn't used in PV master
anymore). Which<br>
> PV version is the base for your plugin?<br>
> Regards,<br>
> Stephan<br>
> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----<br>
> Von: Burlen Loring [mailto:<a moz-do-not-send="true"
href="mailto:bloring@lbl.gov" target="_blank">bloring@lbl.gov</a>]<br>
> Gesendet: Donnerstag, 7. Juni 2012 17:54<br>
> An: Stephan Rogge<br>
> Cc: 'Yuanxin Liu'; <a moz-do-not-send="true"
href="mailto:paraview@paraview.org" target="_blank">paraview@paraview.org</a><br>
> Betreff: Re: [Paraview] Parallel Streamtracer<br>
> Hi Stephan,<br>
> I've experienced the scaling behavior that you report
when I was<br>
> working on a project that required generating
millions of streamlines<br>
> for a topological mapping algorithm interactively in
ParaView. To get<br>
> the required scaling I wrote a stream tracer that
uses a load on<br>
> demand approach with tunable block cache so that all
ranks could<br>
> integrate any streamline and stay busy throughout the
> computation. It was very effective on our data and
I've used it to<br>
> integrate 30 Million streamlines in about 10min on
256 cores. If you<br>
> really need better scalability than the distributed
data tracing<br>
> approach implemented in PV, you might take a look at
our work. The<br>
> down side of our approach is that in order to provide
the demand<br>
> loading the reader has to implement a vtk object that
provides an api<br>
> giving the integrator direct access to I/O
functionality. In case you're<br>
interested the stream tracer is class is vtkSQFieldTracer
and our reader is<br>
> The latest release could be found here<br>
> <a moz-do-not-send="true"
> Burlen<br>
> On 06/04/2012 02:21 AM, Stephan Rogge wrote:<br>
>> Hello Leo,<br>
>> ok, I took the "disk_out_ref.ex2" example data
set and did some time<br>
>> measurements. Remember, my machine has 4 Cores +
>> My first observation is that PV seems to have a
problem with<br>
>> distributing the data when the Multi-Core option
(GUI) is enabled.<br>
>> When PV is started with builtin Multi-Core I was
not able to apply a<br>
>> stream tracer with more than 1000 seed points (PV
is freezing and<br>
>> never comes back). Otherwise, when pvserver
processes has been<br>
>> started manually I was able to set up to 100.000
seed points. Is it a<br>
>> Now let's have a look on the scaling performance.
As you suggested,<br>
>> I've used the D3 filter for distributing the data
along the processes.<br>
>> The stream tracer execution time for 10.000 seed
>> ## Bulitin: 10.063 seconds<br>
>> ## 1 MPI-Process (no D3): 10.162 seconds<br>
>> ## 4 MPI-Processes: 15.615 seconds<br>
>> ## 8 MPI-Processes: 14.103 seconds<br>
>> and 100.000 seed points:<br>
>> ## Bulitin: 100.603 seconds<br>
>> ## 1 MPI-Process (no D3): 100.967 seconds<br>
>> ## 4 MPI-Processes: 168.1 seconds<br>
>> ## 8 MPI-Processes: 171.325 seconds<br>
>> I cannot see any positive scaling behavior here.
Maybe is this<br>
>> example not appropriate for scaling measurements?<br>
>> One more thing: I've visualized the vtkProcessId
and saw that the<br>
>> whole vector field is partitioned. I thought,
that each streamline is<br>
>> integrated in its own process. But it seems that
this is not the case.<br>
>> This could explain my scaling issues: In cases of
small vector fields<br>
>> the overhead of synchronization becomes too large
and decreases the<br>
> overall performance.<br>
>> My suggestion is to have a parallel StreamTracer
which is built for a<br>
>> single machine with several threads. Could be
worth to randomly<br>
>> distribute the seeds over all available (local)
processes? Of course,<br>
>> each process have access on the whole vector
>> Cheers,<br>
>> Stephan<br>
>> Von: Yuanxin Liu [mailto:<a
moz-do-not-send="true" href="mailto:leo.liu@kitware.com"
>> Gesendet: Freitag, 1. Juni 2012 16:13<br>
>> An: Stephan Rogge<br>
>> Cc: Andy Bauer; <a moz-do-not-send="true"
href="mailto:paraview@paraview.org" target="_blank">paraview@paraview.org</a><br>
>> Betreff: Re: [Paraview] Parallel Streamtracer<br>
>> Hi, Stephan,<br>
>> I did measure the performance at some point
and was able to get<br>
>> fairly decent speed up with more processors. So I
am surprised you<br>
>> are seeing huge latency.<br>
>> Of course, the performance is sensitive to
the input. It is also<br>
>> sensitive to how readers distribute data. So, one
thing you might<br>
>> want to try is to attach the "D3" filter to the
>> If that doesn't help, I will be happy to get
your data and take<br>
>> a<br>
> look.<br>
>> Leo<br>
>> On Fri, Jun 1, 2012 at 1:54 AM, Stephan<br>
>> Rogge<<a moz-do-not-send="true"
>> wrote:<br>
>> Leo,<br>
>> As I mentioned in my initial post of this thread:
I used the<br>
>> up-to-date master branch of ParaView. Which means
I have already used<br>
>> your implementation.<br>
>> I can imagine, to parallelize this algorithm can
be very tough. And I<br>
>> can see that distribute the calculation over 8
processes does not<br>
>> lead to a nice scaling.<br>
>> But I don't understand this huge amount of
latency when using the<br>
>> StreamTracer in a Cave-Mode with two view ports
and two pvserver<br>
>> processes on the same machine (extra machine for
the client). I guess<br>
>> the tracer filter is applied for each viewport
separately? This would<br>
>> be ok as long as both filter executions run
parallel. And I doubt<br>
>> that<br>
> this is the case.<br>
>> Can you help to clarify my problem?<br>
>> Regards,<br>
>> Stephan<br>
>> Von: Yuanxin Liu [mailto:<a
moz-do-not-send="true" href="mailto:leo.liu@kitware.com"
>> Gesendet: Donnerstag, 31. Mai 2012 21:33<br>
>> An: Stephan Rogge<br>
>> Cc: Andy Bauer; <a moz-do-not-send="true"
href="mailto:paraview@paraview.org" target="_blank">paraview@paraview.org</a><br>
>> Betreff: Re: [Paraview] Parallel Streamtracer<br>
>> It is in the current VTK and ParaView master.
The class is<br>
>> vtkPStreamTracer.<br>
>> Leo<br>
>> On Thu, May 31, 2012 at 3:31 PM, Stephan<br>
>> Rogge<<a moz-do-not-send="true"
>> wrote:<br>
>> Hi, Andy and Leo,<br>
>> thanks for your replies.<br>
>> Is it possible to get this new implementation? I
would to give it a try.<br>
>> Regards,<br>
>> Stephan<br>
>> Am 31.05.2012 um 17:48 schrieb Yuanxin Liu<<a
moz-do-not-send="true" href="mailto:leo.liu@kitware.com"
>> Hi, Stephan,<br>
>> The previous implementation only has serial
performance: It<br>
>> traces the streamlines one at a time and never
starts a new<br>
>> streamline until the previous one finishes. With
>> overhead, it is not surprising it got slower.<br>
>> My new implementation is able to let the
processes working on<br>
>> different streamlines simultaneously and should
scale much better.<br>
>> Leo<br>
>> On Thu, May 31, 2012 at 11:27 AM, Andy Bauer<<a
href="mailto:andy.bauer@kitware.com" target="_blank">andy.bauer@kitware.com</a>><br>
> wrote:<br>
>> Hi Stephan,<br>
>> The parallel stream tracer uses the partitioning
of the grid to<br>
>> determine which process does the integration.
When the streamline<br>
>> exits the subdomain of a process there is a
search to see if it<br>
>> enters a subdomain assigned to any other
processes before figuring it<br>
>> whether it has left the entire domain.<br>
>> Leo, copied here, has been improving the
streamline implementation<br>
>> inside of VTK so you may want to get his newer
version. It is a<br>
>> pretty tough algorithm to parallelize efficiently
without making any<br>
>> assumptions on the flow or partitioning.<br>
>> Andy<br>
>> On Thu, May 31, 2012 at 4:16 AM, Stephan<br>
>> Rogge<<a moz-do-not-send="true"
>> wrote:<br>
>> Hello,<br>
>> I have a question related to the parallelism of
the stream tracer: As<br>
>> I understand the code right, each line
integration (trace) is<br>
>> processed in an own MPI process. Right?<br>
>> To test the scalability of the Stream tracer I've
load a structured<br>
>> (curvilinear) grid and applied the filter with a
Seed resolution of<br>
>> 1500 and check the timings in a single and
multi-thread (Multi Core<br>
>> enabled in PV<br>
>> GUI) situation.<br>
>> I was really surprised that multi core slows done
the execution time<br>
>> to 4 seconds. The single core takes only 1.2
seconds. Data migration<br>
>> cannot be the explanation for that behavior (0.5
seconds). What is<br>
>> the<br>
> problem here?<br>
>> Please see attached some statistics...<br>
>> Data:<br>
>> * Structured (Curvilinear) Grid<br>
>> * 244030 Cells<br>
>> * 37 MB Memory<br>
>> System:<br>
>> * Intel i7-2600K (4 Cores + HT = 8 Threads)<br>
>> * 16 GB Ram<br>
>> * Windows 7 64 Bit<br>
>> * ParaView (master-branch, 64 bit compilation)<br>
>> #################################<br>
>> Single Thread (Seed resolution 1500):<br>
>> #################################<br>
>> Local Process<br>
>> Still Render, 0.014 seconds<br>
>> RenderView::Update, 1.222 seconds<br>
>> vtkPVView::Update, 1.222 seconds<br>
>> Execute vtkStreamTracer id: 2184, 1.214
seconds Still<br>
>> Render,<br>
>> 0.015 seconds<br>
>> #################################<br>
>> Eight Threads (Seed resolution 1500):<br>
>> #################################<br>
>> Local Process<br>
>> Still Render, 0.029 seconds<br>
>> RenderView::Update, 4.134 seconds<br>
>> vtkSMDataDeliveryManager: Deliver Geome, 0.619
>> FullRes Data Migration, 0.619 seconds Still
Render, 0.042<br>
>> seconds<br>
>> OpenGL Dev Render, 0.01 seconds<br>
>> Render Server, Process 0<br>
>> RenderView::Update, 4.134 seconds<br>
>> vtkPVView::Update, 4.132 seconds<br>
>> Execute vtkStreamTracer id: 2193, 3.941
seconds FullRes<br>
>> Data Migration, 0.567 seconds<br>
>> Dataserver gathering to 0, 0.318 seconds<br>
>> Dataserver sending to client, 0.243 seconds<br>
>> Render Server, Process 1<br>
>> Execute vtkStreamTracer id: 2193, 3.939 seconds<br>
>> Render Server, Process 2<br>
>> Execute vtkStreamTracer id: 2193, 3.938 seconds<br>
>> Render Server, Process 3<br>
>> Execute vtkStreamTracer id: 2193, 4.12 seconds<br>
>> Render Server, Process 4<br>
>> Execute vtkStreamTracer id: 2193, 3.938 seconds<br>
>> Render Server, Process 5<br>
>> Execute vtkStreamTracer id: 2193, 3.939 seconds<br>
>> Render Server, Process 6<br>
>> Execute vtkStreamTracer id: 2193, 3.938 seconds<br>
>> Render Server, Process 7<br>
>> Execute vtkStreamTracer id: 2193, 3.939 seconds<br>
>> Cheers,<br>
>> Stephan<br>
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