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Sorry for the noise. A not so subtle input error allowed my
simulation software to run OK and get the correct answers, but the
error caused the EnSight results file to corrupted.<br>
Sam Key<br>
<div class="moz-cite-prefix">On 6/22/2012 1:51 PM, Samuel Key wrote:<br>
<blockquote cite="mid:4FE4CCD5.9020103@bresnan.net" type="cite">The
I have come upon an eight-finite-element mixed element-type
unstructured mesh that upon loading immediately crashes PV. (The
error message is from Microsoft and the MS process gladly collects
some form of datum dump and forwards it to Microsoft after which
PV disappears from sight.) With or without the cell and point data
the crash occurs.
PV: Version 3.14.1-64 (I have duplicated this behavior with
3.10.1-64 & 3.14.0-64)
O/S: Windows XP Professional x64 SP2
Datum Format: EnSight Gold binary
Experience: Using PV almost daily since PV 3.4 on medium (700,000
FE's) to small (7 FE's) datum sets. I started VTK XML-formatted
results files and graduated to EnSight Gold binary formatted
results files.
The printed output from the simulation code shows that the
execution completed and the numerical results are exactly what
this test case was intended to produce.
This datum set contains four 8-node hexahedrons, two 6-node
pentahedrons (aka triangular prisms or wedges), and two
7-polygon/8-vertex polyhedrons. The hexah-penta, hexah-polyh
combinations routinely load and display.
The attached file set is a time=0.0 mesh used to check the mesh,
BC node-sets, BC side-sets, et cetera. The ens_checker.32/64
executable programs I have are not compiles MS's Windows O/S. Can
someone either point me to a place where I get a Windows versions
of ens_checker.exe or let me know if these files pass?
Sam Key
FMA Development, LLC
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