It's available with "<font size="4"><font>git clone git://<a href=""></a> VTKLargeData</font></font><font>". It's in the Data/WindBladeReader subdirectory there.<br>
</font><br><div class="gmail_quote">On Wed, Oct 3, 2012 at 6:27 PM, Sohail Shafii <span dir="ltr"><<a href="" target="_blank"></a>></span> wrote:<br><blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="margin:0 0 0 .8ex;border-left:1px #ccc solid;padding-left:1ex">
<div><div style="font-size:12pt;font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif"><div><span>Which data set are you using for the test?</span></div><div style="font-style:normal;font-size:16px;background-color:transparent;font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif">
<span><br></span></div><div style="font-style:normal;font-size:16px;background-color:transparent;font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif"><span>If it's the single turbine data set with the curvy terrain, I don't have it (I use other data sets) so I can't do a similar test. Let me know where I can download it.</span></div>
<div style="font-style:normal;font-size:16px;background-color:transparent;font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif"><span><br></span></div><div style="font-style:normal;font-size:16px;background-color:transparent;font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif">
<span>Sohail</span></div><div><br></div> <div style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:12pt"> <div style="font-family:'times new roman','new york',times,serif;font-size:12pt"> <div dir="ltr">
<font face="Arial"><div class="im"> <hr size="1"> <b><span style="font-weight:bold">From:</span></b> Andy Bauer <<a href="" target="_blank"></a>><br> </div><b><span style="font-weight:bold">To:</span></b> David E DeMarle <<a href="" target="_blank"></a>> <br>
<b><span style="font-weight:bold">Cc:</span></b> Sohail Shafii <<a href="" target="_blank"></a>>; "<a href="" target="_blank"></a>" <<a href="" target="_blank"></a>>; "<a href="" target="_blank"></a>" <<a href="" target="_blank"></a>>; "Woodring, Jonathan L" <<a href="" target="_blank"></a>> <br>
<b><span style="font-weight:bold">Sent:</span></b> Wednesday, October 3, 2012 3:16 PM<div><div class="h5"><br> <b><span style="font-weight:bold">Subject:</span></b> Re: [Paraview] ParaView thinks that it does not have a wind
blade reader<br> </div></div></font> </div><div><div class="h5"> <br>
<div>I finally got around to doing the VTK part of the WindBladeReader work. It's on gerrit at <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. It still needs some cleanup but at least both the serial test and the parallel test with a single process pass. For the serial test, vtkIOGeometryCxx-TestWindBladeReader, I'm still getting the following warning which needs to be fixed as well:<br>
Warning: In /home/acbauer/CODE/VTK/VTK/IO/Geometry/vtkWindBladeReader.cxx, line 568<br>vtkWindBladeReader (0x1373840): WindBladeReader error reading file: /home/acbauer/DATA/VTKLargeData/Data/WindBladeReader/test1_topo.wind Premature EOF while reading block of data. Expected 896000 but got 0<br>
<br>Sohail, can you check this out and fix it?<br><br>Thanks,<br>Andy<br><br><div>On Fri, Jul 20, 2012 at 12:02 PM, David E DeMarle <span dir="ltr"><<a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank"></a>></span> wrote:<br>
<blockquote style="margin:0 0 0 .8ex;border-left:1px #ccc solid;padding-left:1ex">Thanks.<br>
In today's git master it now sits in VTK/IO/Parallel/vtkWindbladeReader.<br>
The serial version should go in VTK/IO/Geometry.<br>
The MPI version should go in a new module VTK/IO/MPIParallel.<br>
(VTK/IO/Parallel depends only on vtkSocketController now and should<br>
not depend on vtkMPIController).<br>
Finally when that is done we can remove the flag in paraview's xml<br>
that prevents it from being used in serial.<br>
David E DeMarle<br>
Kitware, Inc.<br>
R&D Engineer<br>
21 Corporate Drive<br>
Clifton Park, NY 12065-8662<br>
Phone: <a rel="nofollow">518-881-4909</a><br>
</div><div><div>On Thu, Jul 19, 2012 at 7:08 PM, Sohail Shafii <<a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank"></a>> wrote:<br>
> Well it seems like #1 and #2 can be solved by writing a new parallel wind<br>
> blade reader class. I had similar experience by creating distributed<br>
> versions of class that I created in other vtk directories. The normal wind<br>
> blade reader would have no parallel calls, which would address #1.<br>
> What I find interesting is that in your directories, the wind blade reader<br>
> is located in VTK/IO/Parallel. For the ParaView snapshot that I downloaded,<br>
> as well as the 3.14 source, it's still in VTK/Parallel. No Parallel folder<br>
> in VTK/IO. Is this a recent change?<br>
> So maybe the ideal folder layout would be:<br>
> VTK/IO/WindBladeReader.*<br>
> VTK/IO/Parallel/DistributedWindBladeReader.*<br>
> I can make changes to the WindBladeReader to remove the MPI-IO calls and<br>
> make a distributed wind blade reader class in case you want to add them to<br>
> the repository. The one template I have for the parallel/serial split is the<br>
> vtkStreamTracer and its distributed counterparts so I can use those as a<br>
> guide. If you have better recommendations please let me know.<br>
> Sohail<br>
> ________________________________<br>
> From: David E DeMarle <<a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank"></a>><br>
> To: Sohail Shafii <<a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank"></a>><br>
> Cc: Andy Bauer <<a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank"></a>>; "<a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank"></a>"<br>
> <<a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank"></a>>; "<a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank"></a>" <<a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank"></a>>;<br>
> "Woodring, Jonathan L" <<a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank"></a>><br>
> Sent: Thursday, July 19, 2012 3:20 PM<br>
> Subject: Re: [Paraview] ParaView thinks that it does not have a wind blade<br>
> reader<br>
> Two issues need to be fixed.<br>
> 1) that behavior in 3.14 is there because of this fix which we had to<br>
> rush in just before the 3.14 release.<br>
> Committer: Utkarsh Ayachit <<a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank"></a>> 2012-02-08<br>
> 17:12:18<br>
> Parent: e401d569f6e54c49c3497852463f6b13a01da8b6 (Update version after<br>
> 3.14.0-RC1 tag.)<br>
> Child: 99fdb1aeb5997c29b43393f45a478c4b53a23109 (Merge topic<br>
> 'fix_windblade_segfault')<br>
> Branches: many (31)<br>
> Follows: v3.14.0-RC1<br>
> Precedes: v3.14.0-RC2<br>
> Fix segfault with ParaView built with MPI when opening *.vtr files.<br>
> The problem was that vtkWindBlade reader was getting created to test<br>
> "CanReadFile" and that would cause segfault unless MPI was initialized.<br>
> Solved the problem by added support to vtkSMReaderFactory to respect the<br>
> ProcessSupport flag on SourceProxy and change windblade reader XML<br>
> to say that<br>
> it only works in parallel.<br>
> In other words, Windblade reader's Constructor should not take it upon<br>
> itself to initialize MPI.<br>
> Once that is fixed, we get to issue 2 before paraview 4.0<br>
> 2) VTK's new modularization has the rule that no module can behave<br>
> differently with parallel (or most other cmake config options) turned<br>
> configured on or off. This is so because it makes it very hard to<br>
> package VTK when the libs behave differently in different situations.<br>
> Ie, we can't have any more<br>
> #ifdef VTK_USE_MPI<br>
> do something<br>
> #else<br>
> do something different<br>
> #endif<br>
> in VTK classes.<br>
> Now if we want a class to behave differently when MPI is turned on or<br>
> off we have to make a serial only version in a non MPI dependent<br>
> module and a subclass of that in an MPI dependent module.<br>
> David E DeMarle<br>
> Kitware, Inc.<br>
> R&D Engineer<br>
> 21 Corporate Drive<br>
> Clifton Park, NY 12065-8662<br>
> Phone: <a href="tel:518-881-4909" value="+15188814909" target="_blank">518-881-4909</a><br>
> On Thu, Jul 19, 2012 at 3:52 PM, Sohail Shafii <<a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank"></a>><br>
> wrote:<br>
>> When running serially, vtkSMReaderFactory::CanReadFile sees that the<br>
>> session<br>
>> has a single process. As such, on line 660 it realizes that the source<br>
>> proxy's process support (in this case the source is a vtkWindBladeReader<br>
>> proxy) is multiple processes, which causes a return of "false" from that<br>
>> function. This makes ParaView think that the wind blade reader can't read<br>
>> a<br>
>> .wind file in serial. According to Andy, the reader works find in<br>
>> parallel.<br>
>> I assume that a fix for this is pretty trivial? It never did this before<br>
>> in<br>
>> previous versions of ParaView and I think that the wind blade reader code<br>
>> has remained mostly the same. Andy mentioned some details in person when<br>
>> he<br>
>> was talking with Jon but at that time I didn't know as much as I do now.<br>
>> There is a mention below about enabling the filter in serial and parallel<br>
>> --<br>
>> is this done in a xml file?<br>
>> Sohail<br>
>> ________________________________<br>
>> From: David E DeMarle <<a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank"></a>><br>
>> To: Sohail Shafii <<a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank"></a>><br>
>> Cc: Andy Bauer <<a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank"></a>>; "<a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank"></a>"<br>
>> <<a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank"></a>>; "<a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank"></a>" <<a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank"></a>>;<br>
>> "Woodring, Jonathan L" <<a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank"></a>><br>
>> Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2012 7:00 PM<br>
>> Subject: Re: [Paraview] ParaView thinks that it does not have a wind blade<br>
>> reader<br>
>> Each file that has an association with that file extension, made via the<br>
>> XML, has its CanReadFile method called. Put a breakpoint there to<br>
>> determine<br>
>> if ParaView even knows about that reader.<br>
>> On Tuesday, July 17, 2012, Sohail Shafii wrote:<br>
>> Sorry, but I meant to ask a different question. Here's what Andy said<br>
>> before, which relates to my concern:<br>
>> "><br>
>>> I went through the code and it jogged my memory about previous problems<br>
>>> with<br>
>>> it. It had an explicit MPI call in the constructor that would cause<br>
>>> problems<br>
>>> when paraview wasn't getting built with MPI. Any time a user tried to<br>
>>> open<br>
>>> an unknown file it would try to create a windblade reader to see if the<br>
>>> reader could handle the file and this would cause a crash. If you launch<br>
>>> a<br>
>>> separate pvserver the wind blade reader will be available in the gui."<br>
>> What I meant was; which ParaView class "creates" or "tests" a reader to<br>
>> see<br>
>> if it can handle a file? The test code you specified has a predefined data<br>
>> set that is loaded in, and I think is more of an example to your average<br>
>> user. Correct me if I'm wrong.<br>
>> So basically ParaView will recognize the file extension, tries to load it,<br>
>> crashes somewhere, then asks you specify the data format from a dialog.<br>
>> I'm<br>
>> trying to figure out where it crashes so that I can see how that relates<br>
>> to<br>
>> the wind blade reader class and any MPI calls that are in there.<br>
>> Sohail<br>
>> Subject: Re: [Paraview] ParaView thinks that it does not have a wind blade<br>
>> reader<br>
>> kargad:ParaView demarle$ find . -name "*WindBlade*" -print<br>
>> ---> ./VTK/IO/Parallel/Testing/Cxx/TestWindBladeReader.cxx<br>
>> ./VTK/IO/Parallel/vtkWindBladeReader.cxx<br>
>> ./VTK/IO/Parallel/vtkWindBladeReader.h<br>
>> David E DeMarle<br>
>> Kitware, Inc.<br>
>> R&D Engineer<br>
>> 21 Corporate Drive<br>
>> Clifton Park, NY 12065-8662<br>
>> Phone: <a rel="nofollow">518-881-4909</a><br>
>> On Tue, Jul 17, 2012 at 2:09 PM, Sohail Shafii <<a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank"></a>><br>
>> wrote:<br>
>>> What is the class that is responsible for testing to reader to see if it<br>
>>> can<br>
>>> open the .wind file?<br>
>>> Sohail<br>
>>> ________________________________<br>
>>> From: Andy Bauer <<a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank"></a>><br>
>>> To: Sohail Shafii <<a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank"></a>><br>
>>> Cc: "Woodring, Jonathan L" <<a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank"></a>>; Sebastien Jourdain<br>
>>> <<a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank"></a>>; "<a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank"></a>"<br>
>>> <<a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank"></a>>;<br>
>>> "<a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank"></a>" <<a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank"></a>><br>
>>> Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2012 10:53 AM<br>
>>> Subject: Re: [Paraview] ParaView thinks that it does not have a wind<br>
>>> blade<br>
>>> reader<br>
>>> I was reluctant to enable the reader in serial (i.e. not using MPI IO<br>
>>> which<br>
>>> I think is getting done by default with the parallel build) because of<br>
>>> the<br>
>>> following warnings that I got:<br>
>>> Warning: In /home/acbauer/CODE/ParaView/<br>
>>> ParaView/VTK/IO/Parallel/vtkWindBladeReader.cxx, line 942<br>
>>> vtkWindBladeReader (0x3a0c800): WindBladeReader error reading file:<br>
>>> /home/acbauer/DATA/VTKLargeData/Data/WindBladeReader/test1_topo.wind<br>
>>> Premature EOF while reading block of data. Expected 896000 but got 0<br>
>>> I just assumed that it was getting bad results so I didn't check the<br>
>>> serial<br>
>>> output with the parallel output. In either case the code should be<br>
>>> changed<br>
>>> before enabling it in serial so that it reads the files correctly and<br>
>>> doesn't produce any warning messages.<br>
>>> Andy<br>
>>> On Wed, Jul 11, 2012 at 12:04 PM, Sohail Shafii <<a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank"></a>><br>
>>> wrote:<br>
>>> I'm not aware of any option to build/link against mpi-io. This is just a<br>
>>> standard build with mpi support that suffers from this issue.<br>
>>> The ParaView website's builds also have the same bug.<br>
>>> ________________________________<br>
>>> From: "Woodring, Jonathan L" <<a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank"></a>><br>
>>> To: Sohail Shafii <<a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank"></a>>; Andy Bauer<br>
>>> <<a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank"></a>>; Sebastien Jourdain<br>
>>> <<a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank"></a>><br>
>>> Cc: "<a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank"></a>" <<a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank"></a>>; "<a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank"></a>"<br>
>>> <<a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank"></a>><br>
>>> Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2012 10:06 AM<br>
>>> Subject: Re: [Paraview] ParaView thinks that it does not have a wind<br>
>>> blade<br>
>>> reader<br>
>>> I added the MPI calls to be in sync with what was being added in the<br>
>>> simulation.<br>
>>> In the SuperComputing demo last year, we updated both the HiGrad FireTec<br>
>>> to<br>
>>> use MPI-IO and likewise ParaView to do the same thing.<br>
>>> It w<br>
>> --<br>
>> David E DeMarle<br>
>> Kitware, Inc.<br>
>> R&D Engineer<br>
>> 21 Corporate Drive<br>
>> Clifton Park, NY 12065-8662<br>
>> Phone: <a rel="nofollow">518-881-4909</a><br>
</div><br><br> </div></div></div> </div> </div></div></blockquote></div><br>