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This idea might work, but for sure will require additional output
from your simulation code. The EnSight reader/writer in ParaView
accepts polyhedral unstructured grids. In your simulation program,
if you have geometric polyhedral descriptions for the grains, then
they could be supplied to ParaView for post processing using the
EnSight format.<br>
If your simulation code is written in Fortran-90/95, I can supply
with example coding that outputs polyhedrons. The attached PV
generated picture shows an unstructured collection of polyhedral
finite elements, all of which were supplied to PV as
EnSight-formatted polyhedrons.<br>
<div class="moz-cite-prefix">On 2/24/2013 7:47 PM, Rovinelli, Andrea
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Does anyone has any idea on how to implement line that
represent different zone inside a material like grain
<div>i have a 3d rectilinear grid, and at each point i have
the grain id, and the vonmises stress, i wouldlike to
superimpose grain boundaries to the vonmises stress.</div>
<div>i have already tried contour filter of a refined grid
with values 0 and 1 for respectively not grain boundaries
and grain boundaries but doesn't work for this purpose.</div>
<div>the other thing that i tried is delaunay 3d but i can't
find a way to tell to paraview of triangulate the grains id</div>
<div>an example of what i would like to obtain is in this
<div><img id="325fe86d-9996-4b5f-aa21-02c31d6155b3"
apple-width="yes" apple-height="yes"
src="cid:part1.07030104.06040501@bresnan.net" width="156"
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