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<div style="direction: ltr;font-family: Tahoma;color: #000000;font-size: 10pt;">When linking our simulation code (a variant of phasta) to Catalyst in ParaView version 4.0.1 built on Titan with superbuild, I got the following linking errors:<br>
../../lib/libincompressible.a(itrdrv.f.o): In function `itrdrv_':<br>
itrdrv.f:(.text+0x2add): undefined reference to `coprocessorinitialize_'<br>
itrdrv.f:(.text+0x6198): undefined reference to `coprocessorfinalize_'<br>
itrdrv.f:(.text+0x973d): undefined reference to `coprocessorfinalize_'<br>
../../lib/libincompressible.a(phastaadaptor.f.o): In function `phastacoprocessor_':<br>
phastaadaptor.f:(.text+0x84): undefined reference to `requestdatadescription_'<br>
phastaadaptor.f:(.text+0x95): undefined reference to `needtocreategrid_'<br>
phastaadaptor.f:(.text+0xba): undefined reference to `coprocess_'<br>
/usr/bin/ld: link errors found, deleting executable `../../bin/phastaIC.exe'<br>
I use CMake to link Catalyst to our simulation code. I was able to resolve those linking errors when linking to ParaView version 3.98.1 by adding "find_package(ParaView 3.98 REQUIRED COMPONENTS FortranAdaptor)" in addition to find_package for vtkCoProcessorImplementation
and then link both to the final executable. However, for ParaView version 4.0.1, it seems FortranAdaptor does not exist any more which defines those functions such as coprocessorinitialize, etc. Here is the corresponding excerpt in my CMakeLists.txt related
to linking Catalyst in ParaView version 4.0.1:<br>
find_package(ParaView 3.98 REQUIRED COMPONENTS vtkPVPythonCatalyst)<br>
find_library(PHASTA_ADAPTOR_LIB PhastaAdaptorLib)<br>
set(Adaptor_SRCS phastaadaptor.f)<br>
add_library(Adaptor ${Adaptor_SRCS})<br>
target_link_libraries(Adaptor ${PHASTA_ADAPTOR_LIB} vtkPVPythonCatalyst)<br>
Adaptor is then linked to the final executable. <br>
Please let me know if you have ideas on what I should do to resolve those linking errors.<br>
Many thanks,<br>