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<div>I have been trying to get paraview to play nice with blender. Specifically, I'd like to export an x3d file which blender will draw nicely. </div>
<div>I was able to do so from a dataset when reading the data locally, but to do so requires some awful contortions. I have to export the data first from VisIt as a set of VTK files, then read those in with paraview, then export as x3d, so blender imports
them as a set of objects, and it is difficult to color all those pieces in blender. So I'd like to have a more direct way to do this. </div>
<div>What happens in parallel is that if I "Export Scene" of a contour that looks like this in paraview:</div>
<div><img id="c88f7297-494f-4a86-9af9-b6bb6adc87d9" height="919" width="1371" apple-width="yes" apple-height="yes" src="cid:FB539EBB-675C-4338-B214-3752ABFBE96A@llnl.gov"><br>
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<div>The resulting x3d object displays like this in blender: </div>
<div><img id="6d9434d0-5e03-4531-a989-99eb62574fe9" height="1009" width="854" apple-width="yes" apple-height="yes" src="cid:4F3D56D0-1FF0-43D3-9998-55AB8328CEA4@llnl.gov"></div>
<div>I believe that this means that Paraview is exporting the data out of order. But there may be ambiguity in some specification. Can someone help with this? </div>
<div>Thanks! </div>
<div>-- </div>
<div>âœRichard Cook </div>
<div>✇ Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory</div>
<div>Bldg-453 Rm-4024, Mail Stop L-557 </div>
<div>7000 East Avenue, Livermore, CA, 94550, USA</div>
<div>☎ (office) (925) 423-9605 </div>
<div>☎ (fax) (925) 423-6961</div>
<div>Information Management & Graphics Grp., Services & Development Div., Integrated Computing & Communications Dept.</div>
<div>(opinions expressed herein are mine and not those of LLNL)</div>
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