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<p style="margin:0px">Hello,</p><p style="margin:0px"><br></p><p style="margin:0px">I'm running a script in Paraview for batch processing of results from CFD. The data is composed of several AMR rectilinear meshes, so it can be saved as several .vtr files with a single .vtm file pointing to each mesh. Using the code snippet below, I'm able to save the .vtr files in the Appended data mode, but I need them in Ascii in order for another program to process the data outside of Paraview. How can I change the writer's mode?</p>
<p style="margin:0px"><br></p>
<p style="margin:0px"> writer = CreateWriter("/Users/administrator/Desktop/Research/Data/Processed Data/file.vtm")</p><p style="margin:0px">
</p><p style="margin:0px">writer.UpdatePipeline()</p><p style="margin:0px"><br></p><p style="margin:0px">Alternatively, if there was another format where I could write points and associated vectors to text file, I could use that. </p>
<p style="margin:0px"><br></p><p style="margin:0px">Thanks,</p><p style="margin:0px">Jake</p></div>