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Hi all,<br>
I've been using PV for a while. Just recently I start to feed
hi-resoultion LiDAR to my model. The output file is huge, 7gb with
23 million node and even more triangles. Of course my workstation
can't render this kind of data (I process them on a Amazon EC2 with
64GB ram), so I opened another EC2 and installed a new PV with
MPI&OSMESA enabled. The remote server works well with small
files. But it crashed with bigger one while multi-cores were used. <br>
"EXIT CODE :134" <br>
It did work with one core only, but the speed is unbearable. I also
noticed that when it worked (with one core), it only used about 11.1
GB of ram while the release ver. used 13.6GB in my Ubuntu 12.04
before crashing. <br>
Sorry I can't provide anymore useful information. But I'd like to
know how you guys work with this kind of big VTK file.<br>
Thanks and have a good weekend,<br>