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<div class="moz-cite-prefix">start with one split, and split both,
but don't create a view in the last one. you should have 3 equal
size views. Saving screenshots only captures the 3 panels that
have views.<br>
<img src="cid:part1.05070700.06060904@lbl.gov" alt=""><br>
and screen shot<br>
<img src="cid:part2.06050907.07030507@lbl.gov" alt=""><br>
On 1/4/2014 1:36 AM, Stephen Wornom wrote:<br>
<blockquote cite="mid:52C7D615.7040900@inria.fr" type="cite">I start
with a single PV window. Using the icon I can split the window
into two equally sized windows.
When I split one of the two equally sized windows I get three
windows BUT the sizes are different.
What is the simplest approach to get three equally sized windows?
Hope my question is clear.
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