<div dir="ltr"><div><div><div><div><div>Hello,<br><br></div>I am opening a h5 file with ParaView using pflotranReader.<br><br></div>I have the following order.<br><br></div>1. My Dataset<br></div>2. Threshold<br><br><br></div>
<div>my dataset in X direction is in order of meters, while in y direction is in order of milimeter. <br><br></div><div>I have scaled my data ( The threshold filter not the dataset itself ) in Y direction by 1000. When I tick the show axis, my axis in y direction is not <br>
</div><div>is not showing as I want.<br><br></div><div>How can I have my axis showing with the correct range [0, 0.01] and exagerated in length so that it would show properly in the image ?<br><br></div><div>Thanks<br></div>