MantisBT - ParaView
View Issue Details
0013071ParaView(No Category)public2012-04-10 10:272016-02-09 15:10
Utkarsh Ayachit 
Utkarsh Ayachit 
normalminorhave not tried
0013071: Add a mechanism to slice/clip using a Cylinder (similar to plane, sphere)
Add a mechanism to slice/clip using a Cylinder (similar to plane, sphere)
No tags attached.
has duplicate 0014468closed Alan Scott Clip by cylinder 
has duplicate 0014166closed Alan Scott Add ability to clip by cylinder 
Issue History
2012-04-10 10:27Utkarsh AyachitNew Issue
2012-04-10 10:27Utkarsh AyachitTarget Version => 4.0
2012-10-18 13:49Utkarsh AyachitTarget Version4.0 => git-master
2014-02-05 16:12Alan ScottNote Added: 0032286
2014-02-05 16:12Alan ScottProjectKitware => Sandia
2014-02-05 16:12Alan ScottStatusbacklog => todo
2014-02-05 16:13Alan ScottRelationship addedhas duplicate 0014468
2014-02-05 16:13Alan ScottRelationship addedhas duplicate 0014166
2014-02-19 14:09Utkarsh AyachitAssigned To => David C. Lonie
2015-09-25 15:07Alan ScottTarget Versiongit-master => 5.1
2015-09-25 16:14Utkarsh AyachitAssigned ToDavid C. Lonie => Utkarsh Ayachit
2016-02-09 15:10Alan ScottNote Added: 0035705
2016-02-09 15:10Alan ScottStatustodo => closed
2016-02-09 15:10Alan ScottResolutionopen => fixed

Alan Scott   
2014-02-05 16:12   
This has also been requested by Sandia. Changing project to Sandia.
Alan Scott   
2016-02-09 15:10   
This has been implemented. The implementation is poor, I will write it up in another bug.