MantisBT - ParaView
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0013251ParaView(No Category)public2012-06-19 20:582012-10-29 17:04
Andy Bauer 
Andy Bauer 
lowminorhave not tried
0013251: reduce python dependency for coprocessing fortran interface
In order to use the coprocessing's fortran interface, currently paraview must be built with python enabled. this isn't needed and should be changed.
No tags attached.
Issue History
2012-06-19 20:58Andy BauerNew Issue
2012-06-19 20:58Andy BauerAssigned To => Andy Bauer
2012-06-19 21:05Andy BauerStatusbacklog => todo
2012-06-19 21:06Andy BauerStatustodo => active development
2012-06-20 11:18Andy BauerTopic Name => 13251_remove_python_dependency
2012-06-20 11:18Andy BauerNote Added: 0028709
2012-06-20 11:18Andy BauerStatusactive development => gatekeeper review
2012-06-20 11:18Andy BauerFixed in Version => git-next
2012-06-20 11:18Andy BauerResolutionopen => fixed
2012-06-29 14:11Utkarsh AyachitFixed in Versiongit-next => git-master
2012-06-29 14:12Utkarsh AyachitStatusgatekeeper review => customer review
2012-06-29 14:12Utkarsh AyachitNote Added: 0028731
2012-07-19 15:13Alan ScottNote Added: 0028864
2012-07-19 15:13Alan ScottStatuscustomer review => closed
2012-10-29 17:04Utkarsh AyachitFixed in Versiongit-master => 3.98.0

Andy Bauer   
2012-06-20 11:18   
dashboard looks fine
Utkarsh Ayachit   
2012-06-29 14:12   
merged in master (if applicable)
Alan Scott   
2012-07-19 15:13   
Developer tag in the bug tracker. Closing.