MantisBT - ParaView
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0013305ParaView(No Category)public2012-07-16 13:172012-10-29 17:04
Kyle Lutz 
Kyle Lutz 
normalminorhave not tried
incorrect functionality
0013305: 3D Widgets Not Showing in Properties Panel
Panels for 3D widgets specified in the XML for a reader are not being displayed in the Properties panel.
No tags attached.
Issue History
2012-07-16 13:17Kyle LutzNew Issue
2012-07-16 13:17Kyle LutzTopic Name => fix-3d-widgets-in-properties-panel
2012-07-16 13:17Kyle LutzNote Added: 0028783
2012-07-16 13:17Kyle LutzStatusbacklog => gatekeeper review
2012-07-16 13:17Kyle LutzResolutionopen => fixed
2012-07-16 13:17Kyle LutzAssigned To => Kyle Lutz
2012-07-24 10:47Utkarsh AyachitFixed in Version => git-master
2012-07-24 10:48Utkarsh AyachitStatusgatekeeper review => customer review
2012-07-24 10:48Utkarsh AyachitNote Added: 0028906
2012-07-25 14:21Alan ScottNote Added: 0028932
2012-07-25 14:21Alan ScottStatuscustomer review => closed
2012-10-29 17:04Utkarsh AyachitFixed in Versiongit-master => 3.98.0

Kyle Lutz   
2012-07-16 13:17   
Merge topic 'fix-3d-widgets-in-properties-panel' into next

dc06698 Add support for 3D widgets in the Properties panel
Utkarsh Ayachit   
2012-07-24 10:48   
merged into master, if applicable.
Alan Scott   
2012-07-25 14:21   
Developer's work tag. Closing.