MantisBT - ParaView
View Issue Details
0014311ParaView(No Category)public2013-09-27 12:282016-02-11 22:18
Ken Moreland 
Alan Scott 
highminorhave not tried
incorrect functionality
0014311: Text edit boxes in property inspector sometimes stop working
I have found that on some occasions the text edit boxes in the property inspector stop working in that you cannot type anything in them. I can replicate this problem by manipulating the view. These operations seem to replicate the problem:

1. Create a sphere source.
2. Delete the view (x box in the upper right corner). The view area should be blank with the set of create view buttons.
3. Click the eye next to the sphere in the Pipeline Browser. A default 3D view will be created and the sphere shown.
4. Attempt to change the radius of the sphere. You will not be able to.

Note that I have only tried this on Mac OS. I don't know if you get the same problem on other systems.
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Issue History
2013-09-27 12:28Ken MorelandNew Issue
2013-11-26 13:57Utkarsh AyachitNote Added: 0031880
2013-11-26 13:57Utkarsh AyachitProjectTBD => Sandia
2013-11-26 13:57Utkarsh AyachitAssigned To => Utkarsh Ayachit
2013-11-26 13:57Utkarsh AyachitPrioritynormal => high
2013-11-26 13:57Utkarsh AyachitTarget Version => 4.1
2013-12-16 15:59Utkarsh AyachitNote Added: 0031956
2014-02-07 21:47Utkarsh AyachitTarget Version4.1 => 4.2
2014-11-14 22:52Utkarsh AyachitTarget Version4.2 => 4.4
2015-07-08 16:36Utkarsh AyachitStatusbacklog => todo
2015-07-09 16:34Utkarsh AyachitAssigned ToUtkarsh Ayachit =>
2015-09-11 16:43Utkarsh AyachitTarget Version4.4 => 5.1
2016-02-11 22:18Alan ScottNote Added: 0035723
2016-02-11 22:18Alan ScottStatustodo => closed
2016-02-11 22:18Alan ScottAssigned To => Alan Scott
2016-02-11 22:18Alan ScottResolutionopen => fixed

Utkarsh Ayachit   
2013-11-26 13:57   
Verified that this works on Linux. Need to try on Mac. People have been reporting similar issues on mailing list with Mac. Need to track it down.
Utkarsh Ayachit   
2013-12-16 15:59   
Could definitely reproduce this on OsX 10.9. Looking into it.
Alan Scott   
2016-02-11 22:18   
Tested on my Mac. Used 5.0.0, local server. This now works correctly. Closing bug.