MantisBT - ParaView
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0006040ParaView(No Category)public2007-11-11 12:352009-05-13 13:59
Ken Moreland 
Utkarsh Ayachit 
0006040: Animate display properties
In ParaView 2, there you were able to animate some display properties, like visibility and opacity. You cannot do this in ParaView 3.

Multiview adds a serious complication to implementing this. The display parameters are different for every view. How would that be handled. Would there be a separate track per view? Would a display change effect every view?

Multiblock also adds some complications. In the near future, you will be able to change display properties per block (I think). The changes to animation should probably be deferred until after that.
I am changing this to High. User will read in two file types - a CTH run and an Exodus run. One is higher resolution than another file, but shorter, and the other is lower resolution, but much longer. They are then animated together.

User has found a hacky type workaround, so if this is very hard, OK to defer.
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Issue History
2007-11-11 12:35Ken MorelandNew Issue
2008-01-07 13:35Alan ScottPrioritynormal => high
2008-01-07 13:35Alan ScottAdditional Information Updated
2008-04-08 13:53Ken MorelandCategoryDevelopment => 3.6
2008-04-09 16:28Ken MorelandStatusbacklog => tabled
2008-04-09 16:28Ken MorelandAssigned To => Berk Geveci
2008-04-09 16:31Ken MorelandNote Added: 0011226
2008-04-09 16:31Ken MorelandCategory3.6 => 3.4
2008-05-08 13:37Berk GeveciAssigned ToBerk Geveci => Utkarsh Ayachit
2008-05-08 13:38Berk GeveciNote Added: 0011757
2008-06-16 17:21Utkarsh AyachitStatustabled => @80@
2008-06-16 17:21Utkarsh AyachitResolutionopen => fixed
2008-06-16 17:21Utkarsh AyachitNote Added: 0012351
2008-06-23 19:27Alan ScottStatus@80@ => closed
2008-06-23 19:27Alan ScottNote Added: 0012481
2009-05-13 13:58Utkarsh AyachitTarget Version => 3.4
2009-05-13 13:59Utkarsh AyachitFixed in Version => 3.4
2011-06-16 13:10Zack GalbreathCategory => (No Category)

Ken Moreland   
2008-04-09 16:31   
I keep getting asked about this one, so let's try to get something in by 3.4. Time is short so let's punt on the multiview issue. Only handle display properties for 3D views and just apply the change to all 3D views. I suspect that will satisfy most, if not all, current use cases.
Berk Geveci   
2008-05-08 13:38   
Handle only visibility and opacity. It should effect all views at once.
Utkarsh Ayachit   
2008-06-16 17:21   
Added support to animate visibility/ opacity of a source. It affects all views in which the source has been shown atleast once in the history of the application i.e. Paraview has created a representation for it.

commitid: 726DOJ0XhYjkAd7t
/cvsroot/ParaView3/ParaView3/Servers/ServerManager/vtkSMRepresentationAnimationHelperProxy.h,v <-- Servers/ServerManager/vtkSMRepresentationAnimationHelperProxy.h
initial revision: 1.1
/cvsroot/ParaView3/ParaView3/Servers/ServerManager/vtkSMRepresentationAnimationHelperProxy.cxx,v <-- Servers/ServerManager/vtkSMRepresentationAnimationHelperProxy.cxx
initial revision: 1.1
/cvsroot/ParaView3/ParaView3/Servers/ServerManager/CMakeLists.txt,v <-- Servers/ServerManager/CMakeLists.txt
new revision: 1.222; previous revision: 1.221
/cvsroot/ParaView3/ParaView3/Qt/Components/pqAnimatablePropertiesComboBox.cxx,v <-- Qt/Components/pqAnimatablePropertiesComboBox.cxx
new revision: 1.6; previous revision: 1.5
/cvsroot/ParaView3/ParaView3/Qt/Components/pqAnimatablePropertiesComboBox.h,v <-- Qt/Components/pqAnimatablePropertiesComboBox.h
new revision: 1.4; previous revision: 1.3
/cvsroot/ParaView3/ParaView3/Qt/Components/pqAnimationViewWidget.cxx,v <-- Qt/Components/pqAnimationViewWidget.cxx
new revision: 1.32; previous revision: 1.31
/cvsroot/ParaView3/ParaView3/Qt/Core/pqPipelineSource.cxx,v <-- Qt/Core/pqPipelineSource.cxx
new revision: 1.27; previous revision: 1.26
/cvsroot/ParaView3/ParaView3/Qt/Core/pqPipelineSource.h,v <-- Qt/Core/pqPipelineSource.h
new revision: 1.19; previous revision: 1.18
/cvsroot/ParaView3/ParaView3/Servers/ServerManager/Resources/utilities.xml,v <-- Servers/ServerManager/Resources/utilities.xml
new revision: 1.146; previous revision: 1.145
Alan Scott   
2008-06-23 19:27   
GREAT!!! Tested client/server