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==== vtkParallelFile ====
==== vtkParallelFile ====
The declaration of <code>vtkParallelFile</code> goes more or less like this:
class vtkParallelFile : public vtkObject
  vtkTypeRevisionMacro(vtkParallelFile, vtkObject);
  virtual void PrintSelf(ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
  virtual int Open(const char *filename, int amode) = 0;
  virtual void Close() = 0;
  virtual int Read(void *buf, int count) = 0;
  virtual int ReadAll(void *buf, int count) = 0;
  virtual int Write(void *buf, int count) = 0;
  virtual int WriteAll(void *buf, int count) = 0;
  virtual off_t GetPosition() = 0;
  virtual void Seek(off_t offset, int whence) = 0;
  virtual void SetViewToAll() = 0;
  virtual void SetViewToSubArray(int numDims,
                                int *arrayOfSizes,
                                int *arrayOfSubSizes,
                                int *arrayOfStarts) = 0;
  virtual vtkMultiProcessController *GetController() = 0;
  virtual int IsOpen() = 0;
  virtual off_t GetFileSize() = 0;
We can clearly see that <code>vtkParallelFile</code> allows us to do basic file manipulation: open/close, read/write, and some simple queries.  The concepts are familiar with anyone experienced with POSIX I/O (i.e. anyone who knows C or C++).  In addition, we have added collective read/writes and views to the list of operations.
===== Open and Close =====
===== Read and Write =====
===== Views =====
===== Queries =====

=== MPI 2 I/O Implementation ===
=== MPI 2 I/O Implementation ===

Revision as of 17:55, 9 February 2007

As the data sets we process with ParaView get bigger, we are finding that a significant portion of the wait time in ParaView is I/O for many of our users. We had originally assumed that moving our clusters to parallel disk drives with greater overall read performance would largely fix the problem. Unfortunately, in practice we have found that often times our read rates from the storage system are far below its potential.

This document analyzes the parallel I/O operations performed by VTK and ParaView (specifically reads since they are by far the most common), hypothesizes on how these might impede I/O performance, and proposes a mechanism that will improve the I/O performance.

File Access Patterns

VTK and ParaView, by design, support many different readers with many different formats. Rather than iterate over every different reader that is or could be, we categorize the file access patterns that they have here. We also try to identify which readers perform which access patterns. Readers that do not read in parallel data will not be considered for obvious reasons.

Common File

There are some cases where all the processes in a parallel job will each read in the entire contents of a single file. Although the parallel data readers are usually smart enough to only read in the portion of the data that they need. However, there is usually a collection of "metadata" that all processes require to read in the actual data. This metadata includes things like domain extents, number formats, and what data is attached. Oftentimes this metadata is all packaged up into its own file (along with pointers to #Individual Files that hold the actual data).

In this case, every process independently reads the entire metadata file because all the readers are designed to perform reads with no communication amongst them. This is so that the readers will also work in a sequential parallel read mode where data is broken up over time rather than across processors and there are no other processors with which to collaborate.

Why it is inefficient:

The storage system is being bombarded with a bunch of similar read requests at about the same time. All the requests are likely to be near each other (with respect to offsets in the file) and hence on the same disk. Unless the read requests are synchronized well and the parallel storage device has really good caching that works across multiple clients (neither of which is very likely), then storage system will be forced to constantly move the head on the disk to satisfy all the incoming requests without starving any of them. Moving the head causes a delay measured in milliseconds, which slows the reading to a crawl.

What readers do this:

All the readers that have a metadata file use this access pattern. This includes the PVDReader as well as all of the XMLP*Readers and the pvtkfile (partitioned legacy VTK files). The EnSight server of servers file is also a metadata file that points to individual case files and must be read in by (or distributed to) all processes. The XDMF format also comprises a metadata file that describes the data in an HDF5 file.

Although these metadata files are almost always small, especially when compared with the actual data, reading these files can be surprisingly slow. For example, I recently observed a 64 process job take several minutes to read in a small (~7KB) pvd metadata file. In contrast, the same 64 process could read in 1.2GB of actual data in less than 10 seconds.

Monolithic File

Data formats that handle small to medium sized data are almost always contained in a single file for convenience. If these data formats can be scaled up, they often are. For example, raw image data can be placed in an image file of any size. Although generating this large single file data often requires some dedicated processing, it is sometimes done for the convenience and highest usability.

For this type of file to be read into ParaView in a parallel environment, it is important that the reader be able to read in a portion of the data. For example, the raw data image reader accepts extents for the data, and then reads in only the parts of the file associated with those extents.

Why it is inefficient:

Like in the case of the #Common File, we have a lot of read accesses happening more-or-less simultaneously to a single file because each process is trying to read its portion of the data. However, in this case the problems are compounded because each process is reading a different portion of the data. Thus, whatever caching strategy the I/O system is implementing has little to no chance of providing multiple requests with a single read.

To make matters worse, the reads are often set up to minimize I/O performance. The reason for this is that even although extents are logically cohesive, the pieces are actually scattered over various portions of the disk. For example, in the image below, a 2D image is divided amongst four processors. Although each piece is contiguous in two dimensions, each partition is scattered in small pieces throughout the linear file on disk.

Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination

So, in practice, the storage system is bombarded by many requests of short segments of data. With no a-priori knowledge, the storage is required to fulfill the requests in a more-or-less ordered manner so that no process gets starved. To satisfy the these requests, the disk is forced to move it's reading head back and forth, thereby slowing the read down to a crawl.

What readers do this:

Any reader that can read sub-pieces from a single file applies into this category. The raw image data format most completely applies as it contains no meta data and is completely divided amongst the loading processes.

There are also many data formats that contain some meta data, which is loaded in the manner described in the #Common File, but the vast majority of the file is actual data that is divided amongst processors. These readers include all of the XML*Readers (serial, not parallel versions), legacy VTK format reader, and STL reader. The HDF5 format also falls in this catagory, although the layout is something of a black box to us.

Individual Files

Often times large amounts of data are split amongst many files. Sometimes this is because the original data format does not scale, but most times it is simply convenient. Large data sets are almost always generated by parallel programs, and it is easy and efficient for each process in the original parallel job to write out its own file.

How the individual files are divided amongst processors varies from reader to reader. If there are many more files than processors, then the sharing is minimal. For smaller numbers of larger files, the amount of sharing obviously becomes more likely.

Why it is inefficient:

Usually it is not. Having each process read from its own independent files means that individual reads are usually longer (providing the storage system with easier optimization) and that individual files are more likely to be loaded from individual disks.

Of course, ParaView is at the mercy of how the files were written to the storage system. It could be the case that files are distributed in a strange stripped manner that encourages many short reads from a single disks. But this situation is less likely than a more organized layout.

There is also the circumstance that multiple processors still access a single file. This opens the same issues discussed in #Monolithic File. However, in this situation we have reduced the number of processors accessing an individual file, so the effects are less dramatic.

What readers do this:

The Exodus reader is the purest example of this form. Not only is the meta data repeated for each file, but this particular reader is designed such that no two processors read parts from the same file. However, the current implementation has all processes reading metadata (which is replicated in all of the files) from a single file. This is not strictly necessary (and in fact a bad idea).

The rest of the file formats incorporating multiple files also have a central metadata file associated with them. These are listed in the #Common File section.

Parallel I/O Layer

Before we are able to optimize our readers for parallel reading from parallel disk, we need an I/O layer that will provide the basic essential tools for doing so. This layer will collect multiple reads from multiple processes and combine them into larger reads that can be streamed from disk more efficiently and distributed to the processes.

There exist several implementations of such an I/O layer, and we certainly do not want to implement our own from scratch. A good choice is the I/O layer that is part of the MPI version 2 specification and is available on most MPI distributions today. Due to its wide available and efficency, this is the layer that we would like to use.

However, ParaView must work in both serial and parallel environments. This means that MPI (and hence its I/O layer) is not always available. One way around this is to have multiple versions of each reader: one that reads using standard I/O and one optimized for parallel reads. Unfortunatly, this approach would lead to a maintanance nightmare causing more bugs and worse support.

Instead, we will build our own I/O layer which is really just a thin veneer over the MPI I/O layer. When MPI is available, we will use the MPI library. When it is not, we will swap out the layer for something that simply calls POSIX I/O functions.

This makes a lot of sense. However, how will this work with readers that rely on 3rd party libraries? XDMF uses hdf5, Exodus uses netCDF. I am guessing implementing a reader that reads raw hdf5 or netCDF format would be a nightmare. This would probably work with the VTK file formats because they all use C++ streams to do IO. We could create an appropriate subclass that works with our IO layer. Actually, it may make sense to base this IO layer on streams (as long as we are only targeting C++). Berk 10:33, 8 Feb 2007 (EST)
Good point on the 3rd party libraries. I added a section to #Open Issues that address this. I'm not sure how well the stream implementation will work. It could get very messy (i.e. deadlocked) stream access are supposed to be collective. I don't think it will work very well with the MPI-2 I/O. Lee Ward mentioned some code he was working on that did distributed caching. Maybe that would fit the streams better.
--Ken 18:42, 8 Feb 2007 (EST)

Parallel I/O Layer Interface

The base class of the parallel I/O layer is called vtkParallelIO. It is an abstract class that is subclassed for each implementation of the parallel I/O system. The vtkParallelIO class itself does not actually do any I/O with respect to file reads and writes. Rather, it acts like a factory that creates vtkParallelFiles, file handle objects. The vtkParallelFile is also an abstract class, this time with the facilities to open, close, read, and write files.

Are these good choices for classnames? Is vtkParallelIO going to be confusing because 'l' and 'I' look similar in many fonts? Is vtkParallelFile a misnomer? It's not the file that is necessarily parallel but rather the access. Would vtkParallelIOFile be more descriptive? Is it worth being harder to type?
--Ken 15:08, 9 Feb 2007 (EST)


The definition for vtkParallelIO goes more or less like this:

class vtkParallelIO : public vtkObject
  vtkTypeRevisionMacro(vtkParallelIO, vtkObject);
  static vtkParallelIO *New();
  virtual void PrintSelf(ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);

  static vtkParallelIO *GetGlobalParallelIO();
  static void SetGlobalParallelIO(vtkParallelIO *parallelIO);

  virtual vtkMultiProcessController *GetController() = 0;

  virtual vtkParallelFile *CreateFileHandle();
  virtual vtkParallelFile *CreateFileHandle(vtkMultiProcessController *controller);

As can be seen, the major features of this class are the global object, the controller, and the file handle creation.

Global Parallel I/O Object

The vtkParallelIO class maintains a single global instance of itself. This provides a system-wide default to use for parallel I/O. The intended use is for each VTK component that potentially performs I/O in a parallel setting has an ivar that holds a vtkParallelIO object. These ivars should be initialized with vtkParallelIO::GetGlobalParallelIO. This allows an application to set a global-wide parallel I/O solution with vtkParallelIO or to maintain a different parallel I/O solution for each reader or writer by setting the ivar on individual VTK objects.

Parallel I/O Controller

Each vtkParallelIO object necessarily has its own controller object that is tied to the algorithm used for parallel I/O. Having a copy of this controller may be useful for performing communication and synchronization outside of that provided by the parallel I/O system. It also provides a convenient way for a reader to determine if it is being called in streaming or data parallel mode.

File Handle Creation

As stated previously, the main function of vtkParallelIO is to act as a factory for parallel I/O file handles. The CreateFileHandle does this by creating a new vtkParallelFile that implements the correct parallel I/O functions for the chosen parallel I/O layer. The returned object needs to be deleted by the calling code.

There is a special version of CreateFileHandle that takes in a controller that will be used by the created parallel file. The default controller used is the same one as held by the vtkParallelIO object. Setting a different controller in the created file handle allows the calling code to do things like access a file with a subset of processors in the overall system. There may be limits on the controller used. For example, a vtkParallelIO implemented using MPI will refuse any controller that is not a vtkMPIController.


The declaration of vtkParallelFile goes more or less like this:

class vtkParallelFile : public vtkObject
  vtkTypeRevisionMacro(vtkParallelFile, vtkObject);
  virtual void PrintSelf(ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);

  virtual int Open(const char *filename, int amode) = 0;
  virtual void Close() = 0;

  virtual int Read(void *buf, int count) = 0;
  virtual int ReadAll(void *buf, int count) = 0;

  virtual int Write(void *buf, int count) = 0;
  virtual int WriteAll(void *buf, int count) = 0;

  virtual off_t GetPosition() = 0;
  virtual void Seek(off_t offset, int whence) = 0;

  virtual void SetViewToAll() = 0;
  virtual void SetViewToSubArray(int numDims,
                                 int *arrayOfSizes,
                                 int *arrayOfSubSizes,
                                 int *arrayOfStarts) = 0;

  virtual vtkMultiProcessController *GetController() = 0;
  virtual int IsOpen() = 0;
  virtual off_t GetFileSize() = 0;

We can clearly see that vtkParallelFile allows us to do basic file manipulation: open/close, read/write, and some simple queries. The concepts are familiar with anyone experienced with POSIX I/O (i.e. anyone who knows C or C++). In addition, we have added collective read/writes and views to the list of operations.

Open and Close
Read and Write

MPI 2 I/O Implementation

POSIX I/O Implementation

Optimized Parallel Readers

Open Issues

This section captures the issues we anticipate in implementing the proposed system.

Missing Multi Process Controller Functionality

There is some important functionality missing from vtkMultiProcessController that is useful for parallel I/O such as communicator subsetting the communicator or performing collective communications like broadcast, gather, and reduce. Instead, these things were added ad-hoc to the vtkMPIController and vtkMPICommunicator subclasses.

OK, so the only two controllers that we will actual ever use are vtkMPIController and vtkDummyController, the latter of which has basically no-ops for implementation. However, this still requires the code to do lots of checks about the controller type and wrap all this in preprocessor checks to see if MPI is even available in the first place. Thus, we should add some basic implementations to the base vtkMultiProcessController class.

This problem is not limited to parallel I/O. Lots of situations can benifit from these operations, as evidenced by the specialized methods in vtkMultiProcessController. This is also addressed in the D4 Design.

Third Party Libraries

Some file formats are simple enough to implement directly with code. Other formats were developed "in-house" as native VTK files. The rest of the formats rely on 3rd party libraries. When dealing with a 3rd party library, we are severely limited in the changes we can make on how we read the data. It is not feasible to make changes to the 3rd party library because it would soon become impossible to update to future versions of the library. Implementing and supporting readers that read the raw file data would be a nightmare.

So for many of the parallel I/O issues, we simply have to place ourselves in the developers of the third party library. However, there are a few things that we can do to better our situation.

Enable native parallel I/O
Assuming that we are dealing with a file format designed for parallel I/O, and the format is popular enough to justify having a ParaView reader, then it stands to reason that at least reasonably good at reading parallel I/O files. It may be just a matter of enabling those features. For example, the library may have a parallel read mode that needs to be enabled. It may also require something like an MPI communicator that we could hopefully get from the VTK parallel I/O layer.
Minimize potential for poor access
Sure, we're stuck with the API implementation given, but we don't have to be stupid with how we use it. There may be some easy things we can do to minimize poor I/O access patterns. For example, rather than have all processes try to read the metadata from the same file at about the same time, read it in one process and distribute it.
If all else fails, complain to the 3rd party. If they are serious about having a good and well used file format, they should be motivated to fix the problems. Failing that, we could simply discourage people from using that kind of file. Users probably won't need much motivation.