ParaView 3.4 Deliverables: Difference between revisions

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{| border=1
! Name
! Description
! Owner
* Exodus reader/writer
* Volume Rendering
* Selection
* Filers working on
** Missing variables in blocks
* Coloring by block
* Composite Data inspector
** Show structure of composite data
** Turn parts on and off
* Temporal
* Ghost levels
* D3
* Spreadsheet View
| Utkarsh, Berk, ETI
| SILO Reader
| Adapt from VisIt?
| Pat Marion
| Selection
* Cleanup implementation (render ids directly)
* Selection of values rendered on screen (selection of blocks in multiblock, selection of thresholds, etc.)
* Either disable button when <24 bit w/ stencil or make it work
* Make selection controls toolbar adaptive to reflection options in active view
* Enable thresholds selection and integrate with bar chart view
* Frustum widget, once you make through selection, push its sides or scale/translate it
| Dave Cole
| Plugin improvements
** No "server" plugins for builtin
*** Plugins loaded for "client" also load server plugins for builtin
*** Server widgets grayed out when connected to builtin
** Remember previous loaded plugins
*** Allow to autoload on startup or connection or start manually
*** Do something reasonable if the file disappears between runs
*** Use Windows services application for inspiration
** Add CMake ability to automatically create qrc files from GUI side XML.
| ETI (Clint)
| Cube axis
| Cube axis is still missing.  Need a much better one.  The one in Visit is nice...  John says he has a nice one, too. - Erratum _ I have got a very nice 2D axis object which does auto scaling of tick marks and labels. It is a type of Actor2d - it could be extended to do 3D cube axes,since internally it generates a polydata object which is then rendered as an overlay - adding 3d would involve quite a lot of work, so I would  suggest that if the VisIt one is already functional and good enough - then use it.
| Utkarsh
| ParaView/Titan Chart Merger
| Move the chart package to VTK or to some independent package that is linked into VTK.
| Jeff, Utkarsh, Philippe, ETI
| Vol Ren Alg
| Add the ability to choose the algorithm used for volume rendering.  Also need to revamp the ability to query which algorithms are available.
| Dave Cole
| Plot over time
| Should be able to plot multiple points or cells over time.
| Berk
| Textures
| Have texture combo box on display panel.  Last entry, load file.
| Utkarsh
| 2D Image View type
| A different view type that shows 2D images.  No lighting.  Pan and zoom.  Special icon in pipeline browser.
| Utkarsh
| XDMF Full tree reader and writer
| Funded by ARL
| Dave DeMarle
|Box and Sphere widgets
| Only if Will can do it.
* Add widgets to filters
** Cut/slice
** Probe
** Temporal probe
| Will Schroeder
| Custom filter cleanup
| Utkarsh
Deliverables to be addressed later.
{| border="1"
! Name
! Description
| Shaders
| Implementation in 2.6 is "experimental" and does not seem to be of any practical use to anyone.  Utkarsh is working on new GPU pipeline stuff.  Next generation should take advantage of that.
| Movie view
| 3.4 should have a nice 2D image view.  We also need some type of movie reader.
| Temporal cleanup
* Show temporal bounds of all datasets in statistics view (or elsewhere)
* Show continuous data set temporal bounds in info page
* Plot/Probe over time, results should very in Sequence, Snap, and Real Time modes
| Time File Series
| Be able to read in a series of files that define some data over time.  Target formats so far are Exodus and SPCTH.
| Moreland (Time lord)
| Tables
| The support for csv files is not so good.  You should be able to read in a csv file and have it show up as a table.  The table should be visible in spreadsheet view (the default) and you should also be able to plot in X-Y or bar chart.
| Simplified state/scripting
| Right now getting any scripting in ParaView has a high learning curve.  State files are unreadable and almost completely uneditable.  To do any scripting at all, you need to learn a significant chunk of Python bindings.  To make this easier, ParaView should output a much more friendly way of scripting things.  Either the state written out should be much simpler (show only the things that pertain to the current view) or be able to write out a very simplified Python script to get back to the state, or both.
| Multi-core
| Multi-core desktops are becoming commonplace.  It is now reasonable for a user to invest in an 8 core desktop with several GB of memory in lieu of a visualization cluster.  Unfortunately, ParaView has no good way of taking advantage of the multiple cores.
Right now this is just a capturing of the features we would like to see.  We will have to go back to organize and decide what we will actually be doing.
Right now this is just a capturing of the features we would like to see.  We will have to go back to organize and decide what we will actually be doing.

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* Probe on Box and Sphere
* Probe on Box and Sphere
* Temporal Probe on Line and Box and Sphere (produces T blocks in output composite data)
* Temporal Probe on Line and Box and Sphere (produces T blocks in output composite data)
[ link title]

Latest revision as of 15:42, 15 February 2008

Name Description Owner
  • Exodus reader/writer
  • Volume Rendering
  • Selection
  • Filers working on
    • Missing variables in blocks
  • Coloring by block
  • Composite Data inspector
    • Show structure of composite data
    • Turn parts on and off
  • Temporal
  • Ghost levels
  • D3
  • Spreadsheet View
Utkarsh, Berk, ETI
SILO Reader Adapt from VisIt? Pat Marion
  • Cleanup implementation (render ids directly)
  • Selection of values rendered on screen (selection of blocks in multiblock, selection of thresholds, etc.)
  • Either disable button when <24 bit w/ stencil or make it work
  • Make selection controls toolbar adaptive to reflection options in active view
  • Enable thresholds selection and integrate with bar chart view
  • Frustum widget, once you make through selection, push its sides or scale/translate it
Dave Cole
Plugin improvements
    • No "server" plugins for builtin
      • Plugins loaded for "client" also load server plugins for builtin
      • Server widgets grayed out when connected to builtin
    • Remember previous loaded plugins
      • Allow to autoload on startup or connection or start manually
      • Do something reasonable if the file disappears between runs
      • Use Windows services application for inspiration
    • Add CMake ability to automatically create qrc files from GUI side XML.
ETI (Clint)
Cube axis Cube axis is still missing. Need a much better one. The one in Visit is nice... John says he has a nice one, too. - Erratum _ I have got a very nice 2D axis object which does auto scaling of tick marks and labels. It is a type of Actor2d - it could be extended to do 3D cube axes,since internally it generates a polydata object which is then rendered as an overlay - adding 3d would involve quite a lot of work, so I would suggest that if the VisIt one is already functional and good enough - then use it. Utkarsh
ParaView/Titan Chart Merger Move the chart package to VTK or to some independent package that is linked into VTK. Jeff, Utkarsh, Philippe, ETI
Vol Ren Alg Add the ability to choose the algorithm used for volume rendering. Also need to revamp the ability to query which algorithms are available. Dave Cole
Plot over time Should be able to plot multiple points or cells over time. Berk
Textures Have texture combo box on display panel. Last entry, load file. Utkarsh
2D Image View type A different view type that shows 2D images. No lighting. Pan and zoom. Special icon in pipeline browser. Utkarsh
XDMF Full tree reader and writer Funded by ARL Dave DeMarle
Box and Sphere widgets Only if Will can do it.
  • Add widgets to filters
    • Cut/slice
    • Probe
    • Temporal probe
Will Schroeder
Custom filter cleanup Utkarsh

Deliverables to be addressed later.

Name Description
Shaders Implementation in 2.6 is "experimental" and does not seem to be of any practical use to anyone. Utkarsh is working on new GPU pipeline stuff. Next generation should take advantage of that.
Movie view 3.4 should have a nice 2D image view. We also need some type of movie reader.
Temporal cleanup
  • Show temporal bounds of all datasets in statistics view (or elsewhere)
  • Show continuous data set temporal bounds in info page
  • Plot/Probe over time, results should very in Sequence, Snap, and Real Time modes
Time File Series Be able to read in a series of files that define some data over time. Target formats so far are Exodus and SPCTH. Moreland (Time lord)
Tables The support for csv files is not so good. You should be able to read in a csv file and have it show up as a table. The table should be visible in spreadsheet view (the default) and you should also be able to plot in X-Y or bar chart.
Simplified state/scripting Right now getting any scripting in ParaView has a high learning curve. State files are unreadable and almost completely uneditable. To do any scripting at all, you need to learn a significant chunk of Python bindings. To make this easier, ParaView should output a much more friendly way of scripting things. Either the state written out should be much simpler (show only the things that pertain to the current view) or be able to write out a very simplified Python script to get back to the state, or both.
Multi-core Multi-core desktops are becoming commonplace. It is now reasonable for a user to invest in an 8 core desktop with several GB of memory in lieu of a visualization cluster. Unfortunately, ParaView has no good way of taking advantage of the multiple cores.

Right now this is just a capturing of the features we would like to see. We will have to go back to organize and decide what we will actually be doing.

  • Multiblock
    • Exodus reader/writer
    • Volume rendering
    • Selection
    • Filters working on
    • Coloring by block
    • Composite Data Inspector, shows structure of composite data, lets you turn parts off
  • Cube axis
  • Textures
  • Shaders
  • Movie view (for validation comparisons)
    • 2D Image View type
    • Movie reader (outputs image with time)
  • Plugin improvements
    • No "server" plugins for builtin
      • Plugins loaded for "client" also load server plugins for builtin
      • Server widgets grayed out when connected to builtin
    • Remember previous loaded plugins
      • Allow to autoload on startup or connection or start manually
      • Do something reasonable if the file disappears between runs
      • Use Windows services application for inspiration
    • Add CMake ability to automatically create qrc files from GUI side XML.
  • Move chart package to VTK
  • Selection
    • Cleanup implementation (render ids directly)
    • Selection of values rendered on screen (Selection of blocks in multiblock, selection of thresholds etc)
    • Either disable button when <24 bit w/ stencil or make it work.
    • Make Selection Controls Toolbar adaptive to reflect options in active View
    • Enable thresholds selection and integrate with bar chart view
    • Frustum widget, once you make through selection, push its sides or scale/translate it
  • Temporal cleanup
    • Show temporal bounds of all datasets in statistics view (or elsewhere)
    • Show continuous data set temporal bounds in info page
    • Plot/Probe over time, results should very in Sequence, Snap, and Real Time modes
  • XDMF Full tree reader and writer (ARL)
  • SILO Reader
  • Box and Sphere widgets
  • Cut/Slice on Box and Sphere
  • Probe on Box and Sphere
  • Temporal Probe on Line and Box and Sphere (produces T blocks in output composite data)

link title