ParaView 3.10 Deliverables: Difference between revisions

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* When user clicks in the 3D view, that object becomes the active object i.e. the source gets selected in the pipeline browser etc.
* When user clicks in the 3D view, that object becomes the active object i.e. the source gets selected in the pipeline browser etc.
| Utkarsh Ayachit
| Utkarsh
| active
| active

Revision as of 16:18, 14 July 2010

Name Description Owner Status
"Click to Select" Deliverables
Click to select an object.
  • When user clicks in the 3D view, that object becomes the active object i.e. the source gets selected in the pipeline browser etc.
Utkarsh active
Click to select a block
  • When dealing with multiblock datasets, we want to extend the "click to select" to be able to select a block. So, we can say "Alt+Click" selects a block. We should expose a setting in the settings dialog allowing users to make selection of block be the default for click-to-select. So for users who typically just deal with "layers" in a single dataset, can work in that mode by default.
  • When a block (or blocks) is selected, users should be able to apply all filters that can be applied to the block(s). When user applies that filter, we insert an automatic "Extract Block" filter before applying the filter the user chose.
"Context Menu" Deliverables
Right-click for object-context menu
  • Right click on an object (or a selected collection of objects) shows a context menu with possible items
    • hide
    • submenu for color-array/solid color
    • change color map
    • change representation type i.e. wireframe/surface etc.
Right-click for block-context menu
  • When user right-clicks on a selection of blocks, then we automatically apply an extract block filter to produce the same effect.
Object Inspector Panel Improvements
The GUI for many filters can be improved
  • Berk has a list to get started
  • Are we doing a summary panel (object inspector + display properties)?
-- I was thinking of leaving that for 4.0. Thoughts? Utkarsh 19:50, 28 May 2010 (UTC)
Selection Enhancements
Select Max/Min
  • Find Data dialog should allowing querying the cells/points with the maximum or minimum values for the current time-step.
Hover labels
  • Need a mode in which the user can hover over the 3D view and we show the labels for the underlying cell or point.
  • Allow user to choose what to label with i.e. which array or id etc.
Multi-core Support
  • Add mode to ParaView where builtin connection is actually a parallel pvserver connection without remote rendering to exploit multiple cores for data processing.
MPI-enabled binaries
  • We need to start distributing ParaView binaries with MPI.
Dave Partyka
Multiblock Support
Avoid appending of blocks for rendering
  • vtkPVGeometryFilter appends blocks before rendering. We need to avoid that. That will save initial render time.
  • Fix selection to work with non-appended geometry.
Plotting composite datasets
  • Currently only 1 block can be plotted at a time. We need to allow plotting multiple blocks in the same chart, whenever applicable.
Python Improvements
Python Calculator
  • Support for python-based calculator
View layout from Python
  • Enable setting up view layout from Python. This entails that we move view-layout logic to ServerManager.
Documentation Improvements
Online users guide
  • Online user's guide maintained under the Wiki
  • Use wiki-book capabilities to generate pdf (or word for further editing)
Miscellaneous Improvements
Change filenames from state files Utkarsh Done
Sorting in Spreadsheet View
  • The title says it all :).
VisIT Readers
  • Second pass at better integrating VisIT readers into ParaView.
Robert Maynard active
make install
  • Get "make install" working -- it can install more than required, but it should install all that's required.
Dave Partyka active
Move tracing GUI out of Python shell
  • Tracing options are in Python shell, which makes them hard to discover.