Technical Meeting 05/11/2006 1:15PM EDT

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Item People Description
1 Stimpson Test framework alternatives
2 Shead PGraph status
3 McBride Prism over ParaQ status

Action Items

  • McBride - find out how Squish licensing would apply to the dashboard.
  • Stimpson - test Squish with ParaQ.
  • Shead - update PGraph code to store 2D data using a 2D data array.
  • Shead - commit PGraph code to the repository locations specified by Berk.


Clinton discussed ETI's research into commercial test frameworks for ParaQ. It has been confirmed that KDExecutor does not work with Qt 4.0 - they are apparently working on it, and expect their first 4.0 version in "a few weeks". The team agreed that this was not a good sign. In the past, ETI has also looked at "Squish", which supports Qt 4, but has significant licensing costs: $3000 per developer (test creation and test playback), and $400 per user (test playback only). Berk reminded the team that per-user licensing for test playback affects the dashboard, not just potential Open Source contributors, so the calculus of whether we should use a commercial product is more complex than ever.

Since Tim will be changing priorities from PGraph to 3D Widgets, he gave a briefing on the state of the PGraph implementation. The team discussed the rationale behind using vtkPolyData as output for the PGraph extraction filters, and Ken suggested an improvement - see PGraph Implementation for details.

Corey gave an update on Prism over ParaQ. In the short-term he won't be using pqMainWindow as the Prism user interface, because pqMainWindow is tightly coupled with pqPipelineBrowser, which isn't needed for Prism. Consequently, Corey will be modifying pqProcessModuleGUIHelper so it isn't pqMainWindow-specific (a good thing to have regardless). Longer-term, Utkarsh is actively working to decouple pqPipelineBrowser from pqMainWindow.