Temporal Ranges
Base things like color scale on something better than the initial conditions in the first time step that the user probably loaded to begin with.
UI Responsiveness
Prevent the GUI from going into lala land when dealing with large data and high latency connections to the server.
- Abort rendering.
- Abort pipeline execution?
- Allow rendering of previous state while pipeline is executing?
- Allow GUI interaction while pipeline is executing?
VisIt Readers
We are no where close to letting users use this on there own. This needs another fresh pass to see if we can make this easier/simpler.
SM Domain Cleanup
Server manager domain need to update automatically when data changes/dependent propreties change. This ensure GUIs always show correct update values. Also avoid unnecessary server fetches.
True Model-View-Controller
Currently SM is the model as well as part of controller, more controller logic sits in the pqCore layer. This results in massive duplication in python scripting. Need to rearchitecure to make SM the model, while add a separate hierarchy with controller logic that can be shared by all ParaView clients.
Switch ParaView to using vtkViews and vtkRepresentations.
Camera Animation
Need the ability to easily create an animation with the camera following a moving point or cell.
Charting usability
Improvements for easy label changing, axes scaling etc.
Scatter Plots
Should be self explanatory to set up, work with any data set, be scalable (work with large data sets in parallel settings), and support selections.
Parallel coordinates
Should be self explanatory to set up, work with any data set, be scalable (work with large data sets in parallel settings), and support selections.