UI Improvements
Better Copy/Paste Support for texts
- User should be able to copy-paste from different panels such as information tab.
- Copy should work spreadhsheet view as well.
Better Drag/Drop support
- User should be able to drag sources/filters from the pipeline browser into a view to show it in that view. Avoids the whole "active view" confusion.
Filter Controls Toolbar
- A special toolbar at the top of the viewport that shows "select" properties from the active source/filter (see here).
- The properties that end up in the toolbar should be specifiable using hints in configuration XMLs, for example.
Better Labeling
- This has been on and off many lists, we really need better labeling support for data. The current mechanism of "selecting and labeling" is cumbersome to say the least.
Multiblock Improvements
Toggle visibility of individual blocks
- Provide VTK-level infrastructure to toggle visibility and other properties for individual blocks in a composite dataset.
- Develop user-interface to allow setting up of properties for individual blocks.
Plotting Improvements
Plotting composite datasets
- Currently only 1 block can be plotted at a time. We need to allow plotting multiple blocks in the same chart, whenever applicable.
Selections on histograms/bar charts
- Selecting on histograms should create threshold-based selections.
Statistics Enhancements
Extensions to Find Data
- Enable locating elements using statistical queries.
Extensions to Calculator
- Enable adding advanced statistically computed arrays using Array Calculator
Python support
- We need better support for plugins in Python. They seem like second class citizens right now: no easy way for loading distributed plugins, PV_PLUGIN_PATH is not respected.
- Python trace must have some indication of what plugins were loaded.
XML Plugins
- Another second class citizen in the plugin world, it cannot be auto-loaded, I wonder if it even gets saved in the list.