ParaView 4.2 Deliverables

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Revision as of 11:59, 9 September 2014 by Utkarsh (talk | contribs)
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Name Description Owner Status
UI Improvements
View Settings
  • Based on discussions at ParaView summit, move "View Settings" to "Properties" panel. The view settings will no longer be shown in a dialog instead directly manipulate-able from the Properties panel. They will update as the active view changes.
Dan Lipsa done
Application settings
  • Refactor application settings to make it possible for Python to access settings. The goal is remove inconsistencies in generated visualizations when a Python script is run in the GUI or in pvpython.
  • Refactor application settings dialog to user friendly with user-sensible text and settings.
Cory/Utkarsh done
2D Plots
  • Update properties panel for all 2D plots to use the new-style properties widgets. Currently, we are still use old style panels for them.
  • Update Chart views and representations to work correctly in Python. Currently, there's lot of custom code in the "panel" that is missing from the Python side which results in difficulties setting up charts in Python.
  • Fix Python tracing when dealing with charts.
Utkarsh done
Misc. Enhancements
Extensions to Find Data
  • Add suport for parallel min/max/mean in FindData that works with composite datasets as well.
David Lonie active development
Reload datasets
  • Add support for reload button on readers.
Rendering Editions
  • Editions with rendering support
  • Refactor rendering modules to minimize dependencies.
Ben Boeckel done
Memory management
  • Benchmark memory used by intermediate filters in typical Catalyst pipelines
  • Investigate mechanisms for releasing memory after each catalyst stage (currently the memory is released only when the subsequent timestep starts).
Tracing improvements
  • Add infrastructure to trace advanced calls such as "reset lookup table range".
  • Update save screenshot, save animation etc. to use this infrastructure.
Python API (LUT)
  • Improve lookup table API for Python
  • Move management of lookuptables to ServerManager so Python can access the same, thus providing similar functionality when it comes to scalar colors from GUI or Python.
Python API (Formatting)
  • Improve how text is formatted in generated trace. Reformat property lists to match the property style e.g. use new lines to split long lists in logical groups.
  • Insert comments as possible to make the generated trace more readable.
ParaView User's Guide
  • ParaView User's Guide for 4.2 with better Python API description among other improvements.
Utkarsh/Dave done
Catalyst User's Guide
  • User's Guide for catalyst
Andy Bauer done
Python API Manual Sankhesh completed
ParaView using External-VTK
  • Add support to build ParaView using a pre-built VTK