ParaQ:Action Items

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Ongoing Action Item List

ID Assignees Item Status Assigned Closed
003 DR Create Microsoft Project Schedule. Put in wiki. Open 2005-09-01
004 BW Coordinate videoconference equipment setup. Open 2005-09-01
007 DR Renew FNR paperwork at Sandia. Open 2005-09-01
008 KMor/BG Design ParaView Multiview architecture, and determine delivery timeline. Open 2005-09-01
008 CM Create straw man class architecture for ParaView Server API. Open 2005-09-01
010 DR Create document for group describing Model/View architecture discussion. Open 2005-09-01
011 KMor/MR/? Create plotting design document. Open 2005-09-01
012 BW Determine customer contact for plotting project. Open 2005-09-01
013 DR Capture Multiview design comments in a document. Post in wiki Open 2005-09-13
015 DR/LI Capture Sandia's scripting use cases and requirements. Post in wiki. Open 2005-09-13
001 ET Recommend technical solution for Qt testing. Closed 2005-09-01 2005-09-13
002 BW/DR Create demo script, which will guide the development timeline Closed 2005-09-01 2005-09-13
005 Kitware Create CVS repository and accounts, mailing list, bug tracker. Closed 2005-09-01 2005-09-13
006 BW Determine guidelines for GPL'd Qt code. Put info in wiki. Closed 2005-09-01 2005-09-14
009 BW Forward list of people who need cvs access to Kitware. This will include only those people with valid Qt developer licenses. Closed 2005-09-01 2005-09-13
014 ETI Post summary of Qt testing evaluation in wiki. Notify the group that it is available. Closed 2005-09-13 2005-09-13