Popup/Panel/Modal and Non-modal Dialog Discussion

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Revision as of 15:52, 28 March 2006 by Mhwong (talk | contribs)
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This page provides discussion and guidelines for panels, dialogs, and other 2D GUI interaction with ParaQ

Definitions, at least for this document's reference frame

  • Popup - Something that pops up (this definition is intentionally vague)
  • Dialog - A popup that is also a window
  • Modal Dialog - A dialog that prevents the user from navigating to any other part of the interface except that dialog
  • Non-Modal dialog - A dialog that does NOT prevent the user from navigating to other parts of the interface
  • Panel - A collection of widgets that are grouped together
  • Dockable window - A window that the user is able to dock to the main GUI window
  • Non-dockable window - A window that the user is unable to dock to the main GUI window
  • Docked window - A window that has been docked to the main GUI window
  • Permanently-docked window - A window that is permanently docked to the main GUI window


There will be advantages and disadvantages to any UI design decision. The key is for the designers and developers to intelligently make UI design decisions factoring these advantages and disadvantages.

Based on the above defintions, ParaView 2.4 has been designed to avoid non-modal and modal dialogs whenever possible. Instead, ParaView uses panels that are embedded in permanently-docked windows. Users have complained that this design results in a lot of switching between panels, involving clicking on "tabs" and going to the top "View" menu. This attributes to the common complaint that ParaView requires too many mouseclicks. However, the ParaQ team should keep in mind that although they complain about the interface, existing ParaView users are used to this interaction model. A design challenge will continue to be a tradeoff between keeping the old interface style which users are used, vs. creating new innovative and hopefully-better designs which will aid the user in the long run.