Exodus Reader Object Inspector

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Apply displacements design
  • Put the time slider at the top of the panel, followed by the variables, followed by everything else.
  • Use the name 'Element' and 'Node' instead of 'Cell' and 'Point'. Element/Node is the SNL convention, and Cell/Point is the Kitware convention.
    • Note: There should be an abstraction for this, so the user can select the correct pairing to use. Appropriate API should be created to allow this to be transparent to the application.
  • Move 'Block Ids' and 'Global Element Ids' into the 'Element Variables' list as checkboxes.
  • Move 'Global Node Ids' into the 'Node Variables' list as a checkbox.
  • By default the 'DISPL' vector is on, this should be properly reflected in the 'Node Variables' list.
  • Change placement and design of the 'Apply displacements' checkbox.
    • It should be included in the 'Node Variables' group box (see the image at the right)
    • The 'mag.' and its associated entry box should be greyed out according to the state of the 'Apply Displacements' checkbox.
    • The 'Apply Displacements' checkbox should only be available if the Exodus reader can apply displacements (this check will require some changes to the reader - currently this is not supported).
    • The 'Apply Displacements' checkbox and the 'DISPL' variable checkbox should be linked:
      • Checking the 'Apply Displacements' checkbox should automatically check the 'DISPL' checkbox. The 'mag' widgets should become active.
      • Unchecking the 'Apply Displacements' checkbox should NOT automatically uncheck the 'DISPL' checkbox. The 'mag widgets should become inactive. The mag entry widget should, however, retain its value.
  • Add 'Sets' section, which includes Node Sets and Side sets in one section. See current paraview for an example of this.


  • The Current Variable Combo Box should be visually very similar to the Exodus Reader's variables. Towards that end, let's redesign the way variables are shown in the Exodus reader Object inspector.
    • Create a single scrolling area for both Element and Node variables. THis should be a spreadsheet area, in which the items can be ordered by any column. Mousing over an entry in the table should show the entire set of values from the columns. NOTE: see the current ParaView Information tab, Data Arrays section for an example of this. The columns include:
      • Checkbox, showing the loaded/unloaded state.
      • Icon representing variable type, currently Element/Node (there could be others)
      • Variable name
      • Variable dimension (is it a vector, etc.)
      • Min (see current paraview)
      • Max (see current paraview)