State Version History

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Document to keep track of state file changes from version 3.0.0


Conversion from ViewModules/Displays to Views/Representations

XY Plot Representation

(Quoting Mark)

I just checked in some changes to the line plot representation. I added some new options and rearranged the order of the array. The changes were made in the YCellArrayStatus and YPointArrayStatus properties of XYPlotRepresentation.

Original YCellArrayStatus:

        element_types="1 1 1 0 2" >

New YCellArrayStatus:

        element_types="2 2 0 0 1 1 1 0 0" >

The same changes were made for YPointArrayStatus. To read in the state from the old format, you need to move the data to its new location and fill in the missing data. The following shows the old index on the left and the new index it should be moved to on the right:

 0 --> 4 
 1 --> 5
 2 --> 6
 3 --> 2
 3 --> 3
 4 --> 0
 4 --> 1

Fill in the rest with new data: thickness(new index 7) = 0 (int) linestyle(new index 8) = 1 (int)