Wylie: [Regarding OpenGL Selection] These cons seem to be fairly small. Having a good solution for point and rectangle selection seems to be enough. My recollection is that the fixed sized buffer isn't really an issue.... that you can indicate to opengl to give you the first 1 or 5 or N(all) matching selections, and only in the last case is it an issue. The polygon/edge/point issue seems like it might be a factor in all the approaches... you may be able to render those primatives separately if that type of functionality is a high priority.
Just a quick note: Selection in VTK is not limited to picking. See vtkSelectVisiblePoints and VTK/Rendering/Testing/Tcl/labeledMesh.tcl. Not really efficient but it has been in VTK for a long time.
Berk 16:44, 11 Jan 2006 (EST)