External GUI Resources

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Revision as of 19:58, 31 January 2007 by Clinton (talk | contribs)
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There is a CMake macro from ParaView 2 PARAVIEW_INCLUDE_GUI_RESOURCES. There is now support for using that macro in ParaView 3. For a background on this macro, see Extending ParaView

  • Create a MyFancyGUIResources.qrc file (name is arbitrary)
   <qresource prefix="/ParaViewReaders" >
  • Create a ParaViewImportReaders.xml (name is arbitrary, but must match reference in qrc file)
  <Reader name="MyFancyReader"
  • Then add to MYFANCYParaViewImport.cmake

The reader now shows up in the file dialog with a .MyFancy extension.