We need to establish the architecture for how the GUI code interacts with the Server Manager.
The goals of designing this architecture are:
- Establish a general method for how the GUI talks to the Server Manager.
- Provide a way for the GUI to update correctly if a scripting client is modifying the server.
- Be designed to minimize traffic with the server.
- Decouple GUI from Server Manager to allow using of Qt Designer.
- To provide functionality such that multiple inheritance of VTK & Qt objects is not necessary (toolkits have different object management schemes).
- Allow GUI to control behavior. Meaning, Server Manager or API doesn't impose behavior on the GUI.
Use Cases
Histogram Use case: |
The Server Manager API contains these basic components:
- Proxy
- Property
- Domain
- Data
The Qt interface to SM for the GUI will have functions like the following (this is not set in stone yet).
{ signals: // signal from SM that a proxy was created void ProxyCreated(vtkSMProxy* Proxy); // signal from SM that a proxy was deleted void ProxyDeleted(vtkSMProxy* Proxy); // signal from SM that a proxy has an added input void ProxyInputAdded(vtkSMProxy* Proxy, vtkSMProxy* Input); // signal from SM that a proxy has a removed input void ProxyInputRemoved(vtkSMProxy* Proxy, vtkSMProxy* Input); // signal from SM that a proxy has an added output void ProxyOutputAdded(vtkSMProxy* Proxy, vtkSMProxy* Output); // signal from SM that a proxy has a removed output void ProxyOutputRemoved(vtkSMProxy* Proxy, vtkSMProxy* Output); public: // Set properties for a proxy. UpdateVTKObjects is automatically called. void SetProperties(vtkSMProxy* Proxy, QList<vtkSMProperty*>, QList<QVariant>); // Get properties for a proxy. void GetProperties(vtkSMProxy* Proxy, QList<vtkSMProperty*>, QList<QVariant>); // Property linking // If a vtkSMProperty is linked to multiple QObjects' properties, this API // will query the Server Manager once for the data and give it to all QObjects. // Link a property of a proxy to a property of a QObject. // The QObject property follows the vtkSMProperty. void LinkPropertyTo(vtkSMProxy* Proxy, vtkSMProperty* Property, int Index, QObject* qObject, const char* qProperty); // Unlink a property of a proxy from a property of a QObject. void UnlinkPropertyFrom(vtkSMProxy* Proxy, vtkSMProperty* Property, int Index, QObject* qObject, const char* qProperty); // Link a property of a QObject to a property of a proxy. // The vtkSMProperty follows the QObject's property. void LinkPropertyTo(QObject* qObject, const char* qProperty, vtkSMProxy* Proxy, vtkSMProperty* Property, int Index); // Unlink a property of a QObject from a property of a proxy. void UnlinkPropertyFrom(QObject* qObject, const char* qProperty, vtkSMProxy* Proxy, vtkSMProperty* Property, int Index); // Domain linking // link a vtkSMDomain to a QObject's property. The QObject property must be a QVariant. void LinkDomain(vtkSMDomain* Domain, QObject* qObject, const char* qProperty); // unlink a vtkSMDomain from a QObject's property. The QObject property must be a QVariant. void UnLinkDomain(vtkSMDomain* Domain, QObject* qObject, const char* qProperty); }
3D Widgets
???????????????????? We did discuss about a case as follows: A 3D widget is associated with a vtkCutter. Suppose a vtkCutter is embedded in the middle of a compound filter. Is the 3d widget part of the pipeline or not? Is it only part of the pipeline if a property that the 3d widget can change is exposed by the compound filter?
Linked Views
Can we assume the "linker" in linked views is a proxy? And use the existing signals for proxy creation and proxy connections?