We need to establish the architecture for how the GUI code interacts with the Server Manager.
The goals of designing this architecture are:
- Establish a general method for how the GUI talks to the Server Manager.
- Provide a way for the GUI to update correctly if a scripting client is modifying the server.
- Be designed to minimize traffic with the server.
- Decouple GUI from Server Manager to allow using of Qt Designer.
- To provide functionality such that multiple inheritance of VTK & Qt objects is not necessary (toolkits have different object management schemes).
- Allow GUI to control behavior. Meaning, Server Manager or API doesn't impose behavior on the GUI.
Use Cases
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination Description: Use case of API linking SM properties with Qt properties. Object controller controls behavior of GUI panel (vtkSphereSource). GUI panel could be generated or designed. API takes properties to set in bulk to minimize possible network traffic. |
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination Description: Use case of a pipeline inspector/browser. API provides GUI with events for proxy creation. API also provides GUI with events for input/output connections between proxies. GUI calls SM directly to manipulate the pipeline. |
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination Description: Use case of linked views. Can linked views be thought of as linked properties and a view watching for property changes? |
Histogram Use case: |
The Server Manager API contains these basic components:
- Proxy
- Property
- Domain
- Data
The Qt interface to SM for the GUI will have functions like the following (this is not set in stone yet).
{ signals: // signal from SM that a proxy was created void ProxyCreated(vtkSMProxy* Proxy); // signal from SM that a proxy was deleted void ProxyDeleted(vtkSMProxy* Proxy); // signal from SM that a proxy has an added input void ProxyInputAdded(vtkSMProxy* Proxy, vtkSMProxy* Input); // signal from SM that a proxy has a removed input void ProxyInputRemoved(vtkSMProxy* Proxy, vtkSMProxy* Input); // signal from SM that a proxy has an added output void ProxyOutputAdded(vtkSMProxy* Proxy, vtkSMProxy* Output); // signal from SM that a proxy has a removed output void ProxyOutputRemoved(vtkSMProxy* Proxy, vtkSMProxy* Output); public: // Set properties for a proxy. UpdateVTKObjects is automatically called. void SetProperties(vtkSMProxy* Proxy, QList<vtkSMProperty*>, QList<QVariant>); // Get properties for a proxy. void GetProperties(vtkSMProxy* Proxy, QList<vtkSMProperty*>, QList<QVariant>); // Property linking // If a vtkSMProperty is linked to multiple QObjects' properties, this API // will query the Server Manager once for the data and give it to all QObjects. // Link a property of a proxy to a property of a QObject. // The QObject property follows the vtkSMProperty. void LinkPropertyTo(vtkSMProxy* Proxy, vtkSMProperty* Property, int Index, QObject* qObject, const char* qProperty); // Unlink a property of a proxy from a property of a QObject. void UnlinkPropertyFrom(vtkSMProxy* Proxy, vtkSMProperty* Property, int Index, QObject* qObject, const char* qProperty); // Link a property of a QObject to a property of a proxy. // The vtkSMProperty follows the QObject's property. void LinkPropertyTo(QObject* qObject, const char* qProperty, vtkSMProxy* Proxy, vtkSMProperty* Property, int Index); // Unlink a property of a QObject from a property of a proxy. void UnlinkPropertyFrom(QObject* qObject, const char* qProperty, vtkSMProxy* Proxy, vtkSMProperty* Property, int Index); // Domain linking // link a vtkSMDomain to a QObject's property. // The QObject property must be of type QList<QString>, QList<int>, or QList<QList<int>>. // TODO - enforce compile time type checking? void LinkDomain(vtkSMDomain* Domain, QObject* qObject, const char* qProperty); // unlink a vtkSMDomain from a QObject's property. // The QObject property must be of type QList<QString>, QList<int>, or QList<QList<int>>. void UnLinkDomain(vtkSMDomain* Domain, QObject* qObject, const char* qProperty); }
3D Widgets
We're not sure that we know enough about these animals to see how they fit in the API.
We did discuss about a case as follows:
A 3D widget is associated with a vtkCutter. Suppose a vtkCutter is embedded in the middle of a compound filter. Is the 3d widget part of the pipeline or not? Is it only part of the pipeline if a property that the 3d widget can change is exposed by the compound filter?
Linked Views
Can we assume the "linker" in linked views is a proxy? And use the existing signals for proxy creation and proxy connections?