ParaView 3.2 Deliverables

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These are the deliverables that we expect to complete for ParaView 3.2 (at least in part).

Deliverable Description Owner
Better testing
  • Increase coverage
  • Test compositing
  • Memory checking
  • Clint (increasing coverage)
  • ? (Test compositing)
  • All (Testing your new stuff)
Display rearchitecture
  • Make it easier to add new views.
  • Redesign class hierarchy to avoid reimplementing client/server for every view type.
  • Integrate with view architecture of Titan.
  • Support desktop delivery without MPI as part of this.
Utkarsh with Clint helping with Qt
Multi-block Improve multi-block support:
  • Multi-block selection
  • Multi-block client delivery
  • Block inspector
  • Volume rendering

Work may continue into ParaView 3.4.

Dave D.
Exodus reader
  • Switch to Dave T.'s new reader (with support for face/edge data).
  • Have multi-block output (only if losing no functionality).
  • Look into fast temporal plots.
    • Support global variables.
  • Multiple outputs for main geometry, node/edge/face sets, and global variables?
Exodus writer
  • Exodus-specific metadata should be maintained.
  • Support multiple time steps.
  • GUI components for viewing all tracks (perhaps like in ParaView 2 or like a filmstrip keyframe viewer or both).
  • Support for viewing multiple animation steps at once (maybe held off until 3.4).
    • Filmstrip viewer.
    • Comparative vis manager.
  • Support disconnect from server, create animation
  • Clint (GUI)
  • Utkarsh (SM)
  • Selecting points/cells from multiple sources.
  • Frustum selection.
  • Threshold selection (integrated with histogram bar chart).
  • Selecting blocks (and providing some sort of manipulation like turn off).
    • Dependent on multiblock functionality.
  • Selection based on probe (handle widget). It should support multiple handle widgets.
Dave D.
  • Much better labeling of selection and datasets in general.
    • We need a way of visually matching a selection and an element inspector.
    • ParaView 2 pick showed labels right on rendering.
    • Large selections may require multiresolution labeling.
  • Better controls on text widgets
    • Specify font.
    • Line up on corners.
Spreadsheet view Implement a model for a client side table that allows users to browse their data. It should only bring the portion of that data the user is viewing to the client (or a bigger cache that is still small) Utkarsh and Berk
Line chart/Bar chart
  • Better labeling and annotation
    • Legends
  • Line styles
  • Better zoom
    • Rubber band zoom
  • Axis controls
    • Specify range, major/minor ticks
    • Logarithmic
  • Better variable selection on plots
    • Automatically unselect ids and time
    • Implement select all/none checkbox in header of variable table in display tab (like in exodus reader variable selector).
Support for multiple output
  • Allow sources with multiple outputs of different types and conceptual meanings.
  • Support for custom filters with more than one output.
  • Possible support for Exodus reader.
  • GUI/Pipeline inspector an open issue.
Berk with help from Clint

Here are deliverables that will most likely have to be put off until ParaView 3.4.

Deliverable Description
Array calculator
  • Incorporate features from VisIt calculator.
  • Brainstorm on our own features.
3D Widgets
  • It should be possible to snap 3D widget to surface with (P)
  • Add box widget
Better error reporting We need much better error reporting.
Custom filters Custom filters are now maybe 70%. They need more work.
  • Texture Mapping.
  • Investigate browse/search dialog for adding filters.