Online Help Outline

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Revision as of 11:28, 7 February 2007 by Berk (talk | contribs)
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This page is a working outline for the on-line documentation that will be available in ParaView III (both from the Help menu and from the Help button on the toolbar).

  • A help page per panel in the ParaView III GUI:
    • Pipeline Browser
    • Object Inspector
      • Properties
      • Display
      • Information
    • Element Inspector
    • Statistics View
    • Histogram View
    • XY Plot
    • Table View
    • Animation (not in yet)
  • A help page per toolbar:
    • Main Controls (open, save, connect, disconnect, help)
    • Selection Controls (move, select)
    • Active Variable Controls (scalar bar visibility, active variable menu)
    • Representation (representation menu)
    • Custom Filter Controls (nothing there yet)
    • Undo / Redo Controls (undo and redo buttons)
    • VCR Controls (for animation)
    • Camera Controls (for center of rotation)
  • A page about Custom Filters - how to create and manage them.
  • A page about Lookmarks - how to create and manage them.
We just recently decided to separate lookmark functionality from custom filters.
--Eric 14:17, 24 Jan 2007 (EST)
  • Settings Dialog:
    • Active View Properties
    • Application Settings (nothing there yet)
  • List of sources: The documentation for this will come from the server manager XML (sources.xml). We will also need to move the per-widget documentation from the ParaView 2.6 GUI XML (Sources.xml).
    • For each source, we should provide a screenshot of the associated GUI.
  • List of filters: Replace "sources" with "filters" in the above description.
  • List of readers: Replace "sources" with "readers" in the first description.
    • Provide a list of the supported file types and a brief description of each. (Most of this is available in the last version of The ParaView Guide.)