ParaView 3 Telecon 09-17-2009

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Item People Description
1 Ice MARS/V&V Milestone issues
2 Moreland Stronger Dashboard
  • Boiling the frog coverage
3 Thompson Statistics Update
4 Ayachit Partial Arrays with Plot Over Line (Bug #9252)
5 Moreland Time pipeline changes owner
6 Moreland Ultravis workshop
7 Bauer In-situ paper
8 Moreland PV scalar bar to VTK?

MARS Milestone


The scaling studies have stalled. Kitware does not have any CTH simulation that makes sense to scale past about 500 processors. Thus, the fraction of time spent in fragment analysis is not representative (the entire dataset is replicated in ghost cells.

As an action, someone at Sandia needs to work with someone in 1500 to get some reasonable scaling numbers.

Nathan has been able to run larger data. There are some scaling issues that still need to be worked out.

This week:

Stronger Dashboard


Dave P. is now monitoring the dashboard.

Utkarsh is still going to think about how to run more tests faster.

In Utkarsh's branding branch, allows you to run multiple tests in one invocation and have each have their own result images. Between tests, the GUI resets but the connection remains. You can also isolate tests that could effect others (like the color palette tests).

This Week:

Statistics Update


  • Promises (empty).

This Week:

  • Initial implementation complete.
  • Should there be a "no second input" version of each filter?
  • Approaches for handling shared points in distributed-memory mode?
  • How to create tests for plugins?
  • If/when to merge into 3.6 branch?