SierraPlotTools plugin BLOT-like toolbar

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The SierraPlotTools plugin is being developed to meet the needs of Solid Mechanics groups at Sandia National Laboratories. It's primary goal: achieve quick easy to use BLOT-like functionality via a toolbar.


As of Jan. 2010 the SierraPlotTools work is independent from pvblot (see: Pvblot_Design ) being developed by Kitware; However there is some overlap in functionality, and these efforts may merge as progress moves forward.

Not all requirements/features (see below) have been implemented yet. Incomplete features will be logged into Mantis. Some features are dependent on fixes or enhancements to ParaView. For example the requirement for "all picked variables will be displayed on the same plot" is dependent on this bug fix:


Analyze Exodus data.

Function plotting toolbar button:


A mouse click on function plotting toolbar button gives the following dropdown menu:


Selecting “Global var. vs time…” should bring up a dialog like this:


Selecting “Node var. vs time…” should bring up a dialog like this:


The resulting plot would have the selected variable/node# pair(s) plotted on a graph. Suggested legend:
displacement_x@140 (i.e. a concatenation)

Selecting “Element var. vs time…” should bring up a dialog like this:


Selecting “Node var. along path…” should bring up a dialog like this:


The resulting plot would have the selected variable(s) plotted on a graph , with xmin as the 0, xmax as the cumulative distance from the first node to the last, ymin as <min value> and ymax as <max value> Suggested legend:
displacement_y@t<min time>
displacement_y@t<min time + incr time>
displacement_y@t<min time + 2*incr time> (i.e. a concatenation)

NOTE: it seems that it would be useful for the same data entry box (described in each of the global vs time, node vs time, … above) to be accessible with a mouse click once the graph is plotted (via a mouse select on a button attached to the graph it produced). That way the user could modify time slices and or axis range, etc.

Selecting “Element var. along path…”

Similar to “Node var. along path…”

Selecting “Variable vs. Variable”

Should bring up a GUI that allows selection and plotting of two variables with one along the ordinate vs. a second variable along the abscissa, and some way to specify the node or element number, if appropriate.

A good example would be “stress_xx in element 1” vs. “strain_xx in element 1” (i.e. A material stress-strain curve).

Another would be “displacement at node 100” vs. “displacement at node 1” (i.e. A check to see how linear/non-linear a structural response is).

Another would be “velocity at node 100” vs. a “global variable”.

Should be able to generate plots that look something like this:


What's Been Implemented So Far (Jan 2010)

The plugin is written in C++ and currently checked in to ParaView3/Plugins/SierraPlotTools.

The plots over time (Global, Node, Element) have mostly been implememented. However, the "write to file" capability has not, and currently selection of items by ParaView GUI is not available.

The Node, Element over path features have not been implemented as these are dependent on ParaView functionality that does not yet exist.

The Variable vs. Variable feature has not been implemented.


Sandia is a multiprogram laboratory operated by Sandia Corporation, a Lockheed Martin Company, for the United States Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration under Contract DE-AC04-94AL85000.
