UI Improvements
Better Copy/Paste Support for texts
- User should be able to copy-paste from different panels such as information tab.
- Copy should work spreadhsheet view as well.
Better Drag/Drop support
- User should be able to drag sources/filters from the pipeline browser into a view to show it in that view. Avoids the whole "active view" confusion.
Filter Controls Toolbar
- A special toolbar at the top of the viewport that shows "select" properties from the active source/filter (see here).
- The properties that end up in the toolbar should be specifiable using hints in configuration XMLs, for example.
Multiblock Improvements
Toggle visibility of individual blocks
- Provide VTK-level infrastructure to toggle visibility and other properties for individual blocks in a composite dataset.
- Develop user-interface to allow setting up of properties for individual blocks.
Plotting Improvements
Plotting composite datasets
- Currently only 1 block can be plotted at a time. We need to allow plotting multiple blocks in the same chart, whenever applicable.
Selections on histograms/bar charts
- Selecting on histograms should create threshold-based selections.
Statistics Enhancements
Extensions to Find Data
- Enable locating elements using statistical queries.
Extensions to Calculator
- Enable adding advanced statistically computed arrays using Array Calculator
Python support
- We need better support for plugins in Python. They seem like second class citizens right now: no easy way for loading distributed plugins, PV_PLUGIN_PATH is not respected.
- Python trace must have some indication of what plugins were loaded.
XML Plugins
- Another second class citizen in the plugin world, it cannot be auto-loaded, I wonder if it even gets saved in the list.