Summit Dec 2013

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Location: Kitware Inc., Santa Fe, NM


Thursday, Dec 5, 2013
Time Item
8:00-10:00 VTK-m Planning (Ken, Berk, Chris)
10:00-11:00 VTK-m Changes to ParaView (Berk, Ken, Jim or Chris)
11:00-12:00 NIH VTK Changes (Berk)
12:00-1:00 Lunch
1:00-3:00 Software Engineering Issues (Utkarsh, Alan)
  • What is/isn't working
  • What's falling of todo?
3:00-4:00 ParaWeb (Sebastian)
4:00-5:00 Python scripting simplification

Topic Suggestions

Add suggestions here, we can then put them on the agenda.

Deprecating Components

  • Policy for deprecating code: with changes to Panels and others, we have lot of dead/uncovered/sparing used code. How to deal with it?
  • What happens to components like Prism which are not being actively ported to new style?
  • How about discarding old panels that don't seem to be used as much e.g. Statistics Inspector

Simplifying Plots

  • Making Plots "editable" by interacting in the View rather than having to go to the "View Settings" page.

PVSC Configurations

  • Wizards for generating PVSC files?
  • included ssh-client? xterm? for open space?

Application Settings

Parallel STL/CSV Writers

  • Improve parallel STL CSV writing so that you don't need to collect everything on process 0 (all at once).
    • Sounds crazy, but we have a use case to get data in professional graphics tools.

Alan's Talking Points

  • ParaView documentation, especially compared to EnSight and VisIt
  • Python documentation, especially compared to VisIt.
  • ParaView python and scripting. (I will get an e-mail off before then with feedback i heard at SC).
  • Statistics. Statistics in parallel. Clearly mark statistics filters that give wrong results in parallel.
  • Updating VisIt reader
  • 3d view menus. 2d view menus. Toolbars (do we default them off, or on?)
  • Efficiently parallelizing CAM reader - and priority.
  • Future of Prism
  • Do we need another "cleanup release"?
  • Probe - interactive. Display X,Y,Z on the 3d view. Display any variable.
  • Needed miscellaneous functionality - volume, min, max, average, calculator accessing global data.
  • Material interface filter and non AMR data.
  • Document how the trace recorder works.
  • Create precanned Macros that ship with ParaView?
  • Possibly changing the layout of the settings panel to more of a Chrome layout. (This was Utkarsh's idea, I am still on the fence.)

Meeting Notes