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The Visualization ToolKit (VTK) is an open source, freely available software system for 3D computer graphics, image processing, and visualization used by thousands of researchers and developers around the world. VTK consists of a C++ class library, and several interpreted interface layers including Tcl/Tk, Java, and Python. Professional support and products for VTK are provided by Kitware, Inc. ([http://www.kitware.com www.kitware.com]) VTK supports a wide variety of visualization algorithms including scalar, vector, tensor, texture, and volumetric methods; and advanced modeling techniques such as implicit modelling, polygon reduction, mesh smoothing, cutting, contouring, and Delaunay triangulation. In addition, dozens of imaging algorithms have been directly integrated to allow the user to mix 2D imaging / 3D graphics algorithms and data.
== Documentation Improvement ==
<big><b>(If you agree with the following, [http://vtk.uservoice.com/pages/31508-general/suggestions/361238-better-documentation?ref=title vote]  for the improvements!!</b></big>)
In my experience, the single most important factor that influences a users attitude about a software package is its ease of use. VTK provides a phenomenal collection of tools for scientific data processing and visualization. However, if a user has difficulty accessing these tools, their experience with, and therefore opinion of, the software will be less than satisfactory. Documentation is the key element which controls this difficulty level. I propose some improvements to the documentation system [[Documentation Improvement|here]].
Here are some "easy" documentation fixes:
* Pi, DoubleTwoPi, DoublePi all just say "useful constants. Maybe they could say something like "2 * 3.14159..." or 2 *\pi or something like that?
* DegreesFromRadians says "Useful constants". This is incorrect. It should explain the conversion along with specify if there are/aren't bound on the input.
* DoubleDegreesToRadians says "useful constants". This is incorrect.
* DoubleRadiansToDegrees says "useful constants". This is incorrect.
* Round(double) says "useful constants". This is incorrect.
* Floor() has no documentation at all.
* Outer(double, double, double) says "useful constants". This is incorrect.
* Norm(double, int) says "useful constants". This is incorrect.
* Perpendiculars(double, double, double, double) says "useful constants". This is incorrect. x,y,z, and theta must be explained.
* Outer2D says "useful constants". This is incorrect.
* Determinant2x2(double, double) says "Useful constants". This is incorrect.
* LUFactor3x3(double, int) says "useful constants". This is incorrect.
* LUSolve3x3(double, int,double) says "useful constants". This is incorrect.
* LinearSolve3x3(double,double,double) says "useful constants". This is incorrect.
The list goes on....
* TimingOff() says "turn ON timing"
* SetTiming(int) says "turn on timing". It should say "turn on timing and set the interval (of what?) to the input X (the input variable is not named - also a problem).
* GetTiming says "turn on timing". This is incorrect.
* GetMinCells() says "turn on timing". This is incorrect.
* SetNumberOfRegionsOrLess has no documentation.
* SetNumberOfRegionsOrMore has no documentation.
* SetFudgeFactor has no documentation.
* RemoveDataSet says "Turn on timing". This is incorrect.
* PrintVerboseTree says "Turn on timing"
* All CreateCellLists functions have no documentation.
* GetIncludeRegionBoundaryCells/On/Off say "turn on timing". This is incorrect.
* GetCellLists functions say "turn on timing". This is incorrect.
* GetRegionContainingCell says "turn on timing". This is incorrect.
* BuildLocatorFromPoints(vtkPoints) says "turn on timing". This is incorrect.
The list goes on...
* SetTargetLandmarks/SetSourceLandmarks - both of these have the same description. One should talk about the target only and the other should talk about the source only.
* GetSource/TargetLandmarks - same description as the Set* methods. This is incorrect.
* SetModeToRigidBody has the same desciption as SetSourceLandmarks. This is incorrect.
* SetModeTo* has the same description as SetSourceLandmarks. This is incorrect.
* GetMTime - says "Get the MTime". What is MTime? Modification time? Maybe "Get the time at which the object was last modified."
Add this:
The SetTargetReduction function specifies how many triangles should reduced by specifying the percentage ([0,1]) of triangles to be removed. For example, if the mesh contains 100 triangles and SetTargetReduction(.90) is called, after the decimation there will be approximately 10 triangles - a 90% reduction.
==Open Questions in VTK==
* Is there an octree class?
* How do you use vtkHyperOctree?
* How do you find the intersection of two 3D objects?
* How do you fit a quadric surface to a set of points?
==Example Usage (Python)==
===Getting Started===
* [[How do I setup my environment? (python)]]
===Working with PolyData===
* [[Write the corners of a triangle to a file (python)]]
* [[Write the corners of a triangle to a file (+vertices) (python)]]
* [[Write a triangle with colored points (python)]]
* [[Write a colored triangle (python)]]
* [[Write a solid colored triangle (python)]]
* [[Write a triangle to a file (python)]]
* [[Iterative Closest Points (ICP) (python)]]
==Documentation To-do List==
These are things that we should add to the documentation to make it clear to new users what is going on.
* vtkCutter - Need to add an image of a mesh and what happens when a vtkCutter is used to cut the mesh.
* vtkProbeFilter - What is an example of what this can actually be used to do? Provide an image?
==Dashboard submissions==
===Running tests locally===
To run all of the tests on your modified source tree, simply type
<source lang="text">
in your build directory. This will not submit anything to the dashboard, but it is a good "first test" to simply see, locally, if everything works.
===Submitting an experimental build to the dashboard===
The idea of this type of submission is simply to have a nice way to view the output of all the tests, and to leave "proof" that you indeed tested the code. This is useful if you then commit your code and it breaks someone else's build - you can then claim you did everything you could :). To run this type of submission, simply type
<source lang="text">
make Experimental
from your build directory.
===Creating a 'Nightly' dashboard submission===
It is impossible for developers to test code on every operating system, compiler, and configuration. By creating a dashboard submission, you can help them find bugs that could be affecting many users but are transparent to some developers. The idea is to get the latest source code, compile it, and run a battery of tests - reporting any compile, build, and test errors to a system which very neatly arranges the results (http://www.cdash.org/CDash/index.php?project=VTK).
It is recommended to not use the same build you work with daily for you dashboard submission. If there is a problem with the nightly cvs, your code may not compile the next day!
To get started, create a new directory called /home/username/Dashboards/VTK. It does not actually have to be in this exactly directory, but this path will be used throughout this example to make the ideas concrete. cd to your new directory and run these commands to check out an initial version of VTK and data sets used for testing.
[[Example CMake Dashboard file|Here]] is an example cmake dashboard file.
You will probably want to submit a dashboard every night, so you can add a cronjob. Run 'crontab -e' and enter the following command
<source lang="text">
0 1 * * * export DISPLAY=:0.0 ; ctest -S /home/username/Dashboards/VTK/dashboard.cmake -V > /home/username/Dashboards/VTK/dashboard.log 2>&1
This says "at 1:00 AM, every day, every month, run the dashboard tests and log verbose output to dashboard.log". The DISPLAY variable is set to allow the tests that need an X server to complete successfully.
== Developers Corner ==
* If you work with Paraview and VTK, the recommended procedure is to use the same source tree for both projects. That is, build Paraview from .../src/Paraview and VTK from .../src/Paraview/VTK.
* You should use vtkGetObjectMacro and vtkCxxSetObjectMacro to set and get member variables that are custom types. This allows VTK's mechanisms to keep the reference count correct by automatically registering and unregistering your objects. An example using a custom class member variable is [[Using a custom class member variable|here]].
* When using the Set*Macro's, you must initialize the variable that is being set in the constructor. The Set*Macro does a check to see if the value has changed before changing it (so that it can update the Modified variable), so if the value is uninitialized, this will cause an error in some memory checking tools (such as valgrind).
* When trying to use an abstract class, such as
<source lang="cpp">
vtkSmartPointer<vtkPointSet> PointSet = vtkSmartPointer<vtkPointSet>::New();
you will see
<source lang="text">
error: invalid conversion from 'vtkDataObject*' to 'vtkPointSet*'
To fix this, use a subclass instead.
* You are getting
<source lang="text">
Generic Warning: In /home/doriad/src/ParaView3/VTK/Common/vtkDebugLeaks.cxx, line 296
Deleting unknown object: vtkObject
<source lang="text">
vtkDebugLeaks has detected LEAKS!
Class "vtkYourClass" has N instances still around.
This could mean one of two things. Either 1) you are actually doing something wrong by trying to manually delete a smart pointer or the equivalent or 2) You have forgotten to add:
<source lang="cpp">
vtkCxxRevisionMacro(vtkYourClass, "$Revision: 1.1 $");
to your .cxx file and
<source lang="cpp">
to your .h file.
You must do this because vtkDebugLeaks uses the VTK factory mechanism to keep track of references.
==User Created Filters==
Here are some filters that have been created by users but not added to VTK. They may still benefit many other users. Please contribute your work!
* [http://www.vtk.org/Wiki/images/7/77/VtkPointNormalColorReader.zip vtkPointNormalColorReader]
* [http://www.vtk.org/Wiki/images/9/9a/VtkPointSetCurvatureEstimation.zip vtkPointSetCurvatureEstimation]
===Examples for Developers===
* [[Simple object class]]
* [[Creating a patch]]
* [[Applying a patch]]
==Wiki Sandbox==
[[Ranking test]]
==Administrative Topics==
* Where can I find more [[VTK Additional Information|information about VTK]]?
* [[VTK 5.4 Release Planning]]
* Where can I [http://vtk.org/get-software.php download VTK]?
* Where can I download a tarball of the [http://vtk.org/files/nightly/vtkNightlyDocHtml.tar.gz nightly HTML documentation]?
* Where can I get [[VTK Datasets]]?
* [[VTK Classes|Extending VTK]]
* [[VTK Coding Standards]]
* [[VTK cvs commit Guidelines]]
* [[VTK Patch Procedure]] -- merge requests for the current release branch
* [[VTK Scripts|Extending VTK with Scripts]]
* [[VTK Tools|VTK-Based Tools and Applications]]

* What are some [[VTK Projects|projects using VTK]]?
<center>'''Welcome to the VTK Wiki, home of the latest VTK documentation and resources on the web.

* [[Proposed Changes to VTK | Proposed Changes to VTK]]
The Visualization ToolKit (VTK) is an open source, freely available software system for 3D computer graphics, image processing, and visualization used by thousands of researchers and developers around the world. VTK consists of a C++ class library, and several interpreted interface layers including Python, Tcl/Tk and Java. Professional support and products for VTK are provided by [http://www.kitware.com Kitware, Inc.] VTK supports a wide variety of visualization algorithms including scalar, vector, tensor, texture, and volumetric methods; and advanced modeling techniques such as implicit modelling, polygon reduction, mesh smoothing, cutting, contouring, and Delaunay triangulation. In addition, dozens of imaging algorithms have been directly integrated to allow the user to mix 2D imaging / 3D graphics algorithms and data.
==Start Here==

* [[VTK FAQ|Frequently asked questions (FAQ)]]
<div style="float: left; margin-right: 1%; width: 49%;">
: [https://vtk.org/community-support Sign up] for the VTK forum
: [https://gitlab.kitware.com/vtk/vtk/-/issues Register] on the bug tracker
: Browse the [https://docs.google.com/a/kitware.com/document/d/1nzinw-dR5JQRNi_gb8qwLL5PnkGMK2FETlQGLr10tZw/edit VTK Coding Standards]
: Skim the [[VTK/FAQ | Developer's FAQ]]
: Peruse a few of the [[VTK/Tutorials/External_Tutorials | External Tutorials]]

* [[VTK OpenGL|Common OpenGL troubles]]
:Watch some of Kitware's [https://blog.kitware.com/?s=vtk+webinar VTK Webinars]
:Build some of the [https://kitware.github.io/vtk-examples/site/ VTK Examples]
:Read the [[VTK/Tutorials | Advanced Tutorials]]
:Study the [http://www.vtk.org/doc/nightly/html Doxygen] documentation

* [[VTK Related Job Opportunities|VTK Related Job Opportunities]]

* [[VTK/Writing_VTK_files_using_python | Writing VTK files using python]]
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===Source Code How-to===
:[http://www.vtk.org/VTK/resources/software.html Get the VTK Source]
:[https://gitlab.kitware.com/vtk/vtk/blob/master/Documentation/dev/git/develop.md Create, Commit, and Share Code Changes]
:[https://gitlab.kitware.com/vtk/vtk/blob/master/Documentation/dev/build.md Configure and Build VTK]
===Check the Status===
:[https://www.openhub.net/p/vtk Black Duck Open Hub VTK page]
:[https://gitlab.kitware.com/vtk/vtk/commits/master Recent commits]

* [[VTK/mesh quality | Geometric mesh quality]]
===View the Code===
:[https://gitlab.kitware.com/vtk/vtk/blob/master/Documentation/dev/git/README.md Git Landing page]
:[https://github.com/Kitware/VTK Github Mirror]

* [[VTK_XML_Formats | VTK XML Format Details]]
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* [[VTK_Third_Party_Library_Patrol | VTK 3rd Party Library Patrol]]

* [[Python Wrapping FAQ]]
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; [[VTK/Dashboard_how_to|Contribute a Dashboard]]: Dashboards are an important tool we use to ensure quality.

* [[VTK/Executives | VTK executives]]
; [http://markmail.org/search/?q=vtk Communications]: Search the mailing list archives or use [http://www.google.com/advanced_search?as_sitesearch=www.vtk.org&as_epq=vtk-users Advanced Google search]

* [[VTK/Streaming | Streaming data in VTK]]
; [http://www.vtk.org/Wiki/VTK_Datasets Data]: VTK is tested and released with datasets for visualization.

== Current Projects ==
<div style="float: left; width: 50%;">
* [[VTK/Graph Layout | VTK Graph Layout]]
; [http://open.cdash.org/index.php?project=VTK CDash]: View the VTK Quality Dashboards
* [[VTK/Java Wrapping | VTK Java Wrapping]]
* [[VTK/Composite Data Redesign | Composite Data Redesign]]
* [[VTKWidgets | VTK Widget Redesign]]
* [[VTKShaders | Shaders in VTK]]
* [[VTK/VTKMatlab | VTK with Matlab]]
* [[VTK/Time_Support | VTK Time support]]
* [[VTK/Depth_Peeling | VTK Depth Peeling]]
* [[VTK/MultiPass_Rendering | VTK Multi-Pass Rendering]]
* [[VTK/Using_JRuby | Using VTK with JRuby]]
* [[VTK/Painters | Painters]]
* [[VTK/Cray XT3 Compilation| Cray XT3 Compilation]]
* [[VTK/statistics | Statistics]]
* [[VTK/Array Refactoring | Array Refactoring]]
* [[VTK/Multicore and Streaming | Multicore and Streaming]]
* [[VTK/3DConnexion Devices Support | 3DConnexion Devices Support]]

== External Links ==
; [[VTK/BuildingDoxygen|Documentation]]: Build the VTK Doxygen documentation
*[http://www.imtek.uni-freiburg.de/simulation/mathematica/IMSweb/ IMTEK Mathematica Supplement (IMS)], the Open Source IMTEK Mathematica Supplement (IMS) interfaces VTK and generates ParaView batch scripts
*[http://zorayasantos.tripod.com/vtk_csharp_examples], VTK examples in C# (Visual Studio 5.0 and .NET 2.0)

== Development Process ==
; [[VTK/Roadmap | Roadmap]]: Read about what's in and coming soon to VTK.
The VTK Community is [[VTK/Managing_the_Development_Process | upgrading its development process]]. We are doing this in response to the continuing and rapid growth of the toolkit. A VTK Architecture Review Board [[VTK/Architecture_Review_Board |VTK ARB]] is being put in place to provide strategic guidance to the community, and individuals are being identified as leaders in various VTK subsystems.

== Examples ==
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== Help ==
* Kitware offers [http://www.kitware.com/products/support.html Support Contracts] and [http://www.kitware.com/products/consulting.html Expert Consulting]
* [[VTK/Deprecated_frontpage|Deprecated Frontpage]]

Latest revision as of 15:53, 13 September 2021

Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination

Welcome to the VTK Wiki, home of the latest VTK documentation and resources on the web.

The Visualization ToolKit (VTK) is an open source, freely available software system for 3D computer graphics, image processing, and visualization used by thousands of researchers and developers around the world. VTK consists of a C++ class library, and several interpreted interface layers including Python, Tcl/Tk and Java. Professional support and products for VTK are provided by Kitware, Inc. VTK supports a wide variety of visualization algorithms including scalar, vector, tensor, texture, and volumetric methods; and advanced modeling techniques such as implicit modelling, polygon reduction, mesh smoothing, cutting, contouring, and Delaunay triangulation. In addition, dozens of imaging algorithms have been directly integrated to allow the user to mix 2D imaging / 3D graphics algorithms and data.

Start Here


Sign up for the VTK forum
Register on the bug tracker


Browse the VTK Coding Standards
Skim the Developer's FAQ
Peruse a few of the External Tutorials


Watch some of Kitware's VTK Webinars
Build some of the VTK Examples
Read the Advanced Tutorials
Study the Doxygen documentation


Contribute a Dashboard
Dashboards are an important tool we use to ensure quality.
Search the mailing list archives or use Advanced Google search
VTK is tested and released with datasets for visualization.
View the VTK Quality Dashboards
Build the VTK Doxygen documentation
Read about what's in and coming soon to VTK.
