VTK Eclipse/Pydev
Eclipse with Pydev provides a good development environment for developing Python scripts for VTK. You get Syntax checking/highlighting and code completion and debugging. However in order to integrate VTK we need to do a few extra steps.
This article will tell you you how to set up the development environment for Windows, Linux and MacOSX.
The folowing discussion assumes that the environment variables have been set and that the user is familiar with or willing to learn the Eclipse IDE.
Environment variables for Linux/MacOS
Edit ~/.bashrc
and add in the following lines.
Note: You must set KITWARE_PATH to the root path of your VTK build, for example '/home/username/Code/Kitware'.
#Kitware export KITWARE_PATH=/home/username/Code/Kitware # VTK export VTK_DATA_ROOT=$KITWARE_PATH/src/VTKData export VTK_LARGE_DATA_ROOT=$KITWARE_PATH/src/VTKLargeData export VTK_ROOT=$KITWARE_PATH/src/VTK # export VTK_DIR=$KITWARE_PATH/build/VTK # For VTK TCL programs. export TCLLIBPATH='$VTK_DIR/Wrapping/Tcl' alias vtk='$VTK_DIR/bin/vtk' # For VTK Python programs. alias vtkpython='$VTK_DIR/bin/vtkpython' export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:$VTK_DIR/Wrapping/Python:$VTK_DIR/lib
Then do:
source ~/.bashrc
Environment variables for Windows
Set the following environment variables:
KITWARE_PATH | This will be the root path e.g C:\Kitware or C:\Users\<your username>\Code\Kitware you can choose whatever you prefer here |
VTK_BIN | %KITWARE_PATH%\build\VTK\Release\bin |
TCLLIBPATH | <root_path>/build/VTK/Release/Wrapping/Tcl/Release |
Note that for TCLLIBPATH the path must be fully expanded and \ replaced by /. Replace <root_path> with whatever you used for KITWARE_PATH replacing \ with / e.g C:/Kitware.
You will need to add the following path to the PATH environment variable:
In Windows these are set by going to Control Panel|All Control Panel Items|System and selecting "Advanced System Settings". Then select the Advanced tab and click on Environment Variables.
Setting up Eclipse and Pydev
You must have Java installed, either JRE or JDK, download and install from http://www.java.com.
Download Eclipse Classic from http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/
Unzip it and place the eclipse folder in a suitable place.
Additional steps for Linux
Go to the eclipse folder.
Check eclipse.ini and make sure that, if you have manually installed Java, the openfile section looks something like this:
openfile -vm /usr/local/jdk/jdk1.7.0_03/bin/java
Of course replace /usr/local/jdk/jdk1.7.0_03/bin/java
with the path to the java version you installed.
Create a script, called eclipse.sh, with the following content:
#!/bin/bash # Start eclipse with some environment variables set. export KITWARE_PATH=/home/amaclean/Code/Kitware export VTK_TEXTBOOK_DATA=$KITWARE_PATH/src/VTKTextbook/Data export VTK_DATA_ROOT=$KITWARE_PATH/src/VTKData export VTK_LARGE_DATA_ROOT=$KITWARE_PATH/src/VTKLargeData <path_to_eclipse>/eclipse
Remember to change KITWARE_PATH and <path_to_eclipse> to something appropriate for your system. Save and mark this as executable. The purppose of this is to set the VTK environment variables so we can run the Python scripts within Pydev.
Now create a file called eclipse.desktop with this content:
[Desktop Entry] Type=Application Encoding=UTF-8 Name=Eclipse Comment=The Eclipse Development Environment Exec=<path_to_eclipse>/eclipse.sh Icon=<path_to_eclipse>/icon.xpm Terminal=false
Once again, change <path_to_eclipse> to point to your eclipse directory, then save the file. It will appear as a file called Eclipse and will have the eclipse logo. Now right-click on the file and mark it as executable.
Thw purpose of this is to enable the user to just click on Eclipse and everything will be set up for VTK.
From now on, to run eclipse, click on this file called Eclipse. You can copy and paste it anywhere you like because the paths are absolute. For example you might place it on your desktop.
Installing Pydev
Then start eclipse and install Pydev, see: http://www.pydev.org/ for instructions on how to do this.