The iterator is not increasing over all of the components? The second two components of the cell centers do not move from 0? All of the frequencies are 0?
The current output is <source lang="text"> Index = [0, 2, 0] Histogram cell center = [66.9375, 0, 0] Frequency = 0 Index = [1, 2, 0] Histogram cell center = [200.812, 0, 0] Frequency = 0 Index = [0, 2, 0] Histogram cell center = [66.9375, 0, 0] Frequency = 0 Index = [1, 2, 0] Histogram cell center = [200.812, 0, 0] Frequency = 0 Index = [0, 2, 1] Histogram cell center = [66.9375, 0, 0] Frequency = 0 Index = [1, 2, 1] Histogram cell center = [200.812, 0, 0] Frequency = 0 Index = [0, 2, 1] Histogram cell center = [66.9375, 0, 0] Frequency = 0 Index = [1, 2, 1] Histogram cell center = [200.812, 0, 0] Frequency = 0 Frequency = 0
I would expect to see the index counting from (0,0,0) to (2,2,2), the Cell center following the same pattern as the index, and some of the frequencies to be non-zero.
<source lang="cpp">
- include "itkImageToHistogramFilter.h"
- include "itkImage.h"
- include "itkRGBPixel.h"
- include "itkImageRegionIteratorWithIndex.h"
- include <fstream>
typedef itk::RGBPixel<unsigned char> RGBPixelType; typedef itk::Image< RGBPixelType, 2> RGBImageType;
void CreateImage(RGBImageType::Pointer image);
int main(int, char *[]) {
const unsigned int MeasurementVectorSize = 3; // RGB RGBImageType::Pointer image = RGBImageType::New(); CreateImage(image); typedef itk::Statistics::ImageToHistogramFilter< RGBImageType > HistogramFilterType; typedef HistogramFilterType::HistogramMeasurementVectorType HistogramMeasurementVectorType; typedef HistogramFilterType::HistogramSizeType HistogramSizeType; typedef HistogramFilterType::HistogramType HistogramType; HistogramFilterType::Pointer filter = HistogramFilterType::New(); filter->SetInput(image); filter->SetAutoMinimumMaximum(true); HistogramSizeType histogramSize( MeasurementVectorSize ); histogramSize[0] = 2; // number of bins for the Red channel histogramSize[1] = 2; // number of bins for the Green channel histogramSize[2] = 2; // number of bins for the Blue channel filter->SetHistogramSize(histogramSize); filter->SetMarginalScale(10); // Required (could this be set in the filter?) filter->Update(); const HistogramType * histogram = filter->GetOutput(); HistogramType::ConstIterator histogramIterator = histogram->Begin(); while( histogramIterator != histogram->End() ) { std::cout << "Index = " << histogram->GetIndex(histogramIterator.GetMeasurementVector())
<< " Histogram cell center = " << histogramIterator.GetMeasurementVector() << " Frequency = " << histogramIterator.GetFrequency() << std::endl;
++histogramIterator ; } HistogramType::MeasurementVectorType mv(3); mv[0] = 255; mv[1] = 0; mv[2] = 0; std::cout << "Frequency = " << histogram->GetFrequency(histogram->GetIndex(mv)) << std::endl; return EXIT_SUCCESS;
void CreateImage(RGBImageType::Pointer image) {
// Create a black image with a red square and a green square. // This should produce a histogram with very strong spikes. RGBImageType::SizeType size; size[0] = 3; size[1] = 3; RGBImageType::IndexType start; start[0] = 0; start[1] = 0; RGBImageType::RegionType region; region.SetIndex(start); region.SetSize(size); image->SetRegions(region); image->Allocate(); itk::ImageRegionIteratorWithIndex< RGBImageType > iterator( image, image->GetLargestPossibleRegion() ); iterator.GoToBegin(); RGBPixelType redPixel; redPixel.SetRed(255); redPixel.SetGreen(0); redPixel.SetBlue(0); RGBPixelType blackPixel; blackPixel.SetRed(0); blackPixel.SetGreen(0); blackPixel.SetBlue(0); itk::ImageRegionIterator<RGBImageType> imageIterator(image,region); while(!imageIterator.IsAtEnd()) { imageIterator.Set(blackPixel); ++imageIterator; } RGBImageType::IndexType index; index[0] = 0; index[1] = 0; image->SetPixel(index, redPixel); index[0] = 1; index[1] = 0; image->SetPixel(index, redPixel);
} </source>
<source lang="cmake"> cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.6)
ADD_EXECUTABLE(ImageToHistogramFilter ImageToHistogramFilter.cxx) TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(ImageToHistogramFilter ITKBasicFilters ITKCommon ITKIO ITKStatistics)