ITK Release 4/MigrationGuideDeveloperTutorial/InitializeXMLGuide
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# This script will parse the Git commits on the current branch and initializes
# an XML migration guide document with the apropriate content.
import os.path
import sys
import subprocess
# Helper Functions #
# strip the prefix from the string in order
def stripPrefix(string, prefix):
if string[0:len(prefix)] == prefix:
return string[len(prefix):len(string)]
return string
# strip the suffix from the string in order
def stripSuffix(string, suffix):
if string[len(string)-len(suffix):len(string)] == suffix:
return string[0:len(string)-len(suffix)]
return string
# test the start of a string
def startsWith(string, prefix):
return (string.find(prefix) == 0)
# test the end of a string
def endsWith(string, suffix):
return (string.rfind(suffix) == len(string) - len(suffix))
# get the output of an external command
def runCommand(command):
args = command.split()
process = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout = subprocess.PIPE)
while process.returncode == None:
return process.communicate()[0]
# add proper number of indents
def getIndent(indent):
if indent:
return " "
return ""
# sub out protected characters
def prepXMLString(string):
out = string.replace("<", "<")
out = out.replace("&", "&")
out = out.replace(">", ">")
out = out.replace('"', """)
return out.replace("'", "'")
# add an element to the XML file string
def addXMLElement(xmlString, elementName, elementText, indent=False, comment = ""):
# comment
if comment != "":
xmlString = xmlString + getIndent(indent) + "<!--**\n"
for line in comment.splitlines():
xmlString = xmlString + getIndent(indent) + "** " + line + "\n"
if comment != "":
xmlString = xmlString + getIndent(indent) + "**-->\n"
# opening tag
xmlString = xmlString + getIndent(indent) + "<" + elementName + ">\n"
# body
for line in elementText.splitlines():
xmlString = xmlString + getIndent(indent) + " " + line + "\n"
# closing tag
return xmlString + getIndent(indent) + "</" + elementName + ">\n\n"
# add spaces for camel case string
def addCamelCaseSpaces(string):
firstLetter = True
out = ""
for letter in string:
if not firstLetter and letter.isupper():
out = out + " " + letter
out = out + letter
firstLetter = False
return out
# Main execution point #
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Get a unique XMLFileName from the user
# get directory info
migrationDir = sys.path[0]
baseDir = stripSuffix(migrationDir, "/Migration")
# get XMLFileName (loop until name is unique)
uniqueName = False
XMLFileName = ""
XMLFilePath = ""
print "Please enter a unique name for the XML document"
while uniqueName == False:
# get the user's input
nameCandidate = raw_input(">> ")
if not endsWith(nameCandidate, ".xml"):
nameCandidate = nameCandidate + ".xml"
pathCandidate = migrationDir + "/" + nameCandidate
# check uniqueness
if not os.path.exists(pathCandidate):
uniqueName = True
XMLFileName = nameCandidate
XMLFilePath = pathCandidate
print '"' + nameCandidate + '" already exists. Please specify a differnt name'
# split the name for the title tag
titleText = addCamelCaseSpaces(stripSuffix(XMLFileName, ".xml"))
# Get list of commits on current branch
# Get the current branch name
HEADfilename = baseDir + "/.git/HEAD"
HEADfile = open(HEADfilename, "r")
except IOError:
print "I/O error: Could not open .git/HEAD"
branchName = HEADfile.readline()
branchName = stripPrefix(branchName, "ref: refs/heads/")
branchName = stripSuffix(branchName, "\n")
# parse file in .git/logs/refs/heads/BRANCH_NAME
branchLogFilename = baseDir + "/.git/logs/refs/heads/" + branchName
branchLogFile = open(branchLogFilename, "r")
except IOError:
print "I/O error: Could not open branch log file"
# grab the commit lines, but ignore ammended ones
commitList = []
for line in branchLogFile.readlines():
if line.find("commit (amend):") == -1:
# Parse each commit's log
descriptionText = ""
changeIdText = ""
sampleCodeOldText = ""
sampleCodeNewText = ""
changedFileList = []
exampleAndTestChangedFileList = []
firstCommit = commitList[0];
for commit in commitList:
# get the log for the commit
logCommand = "git log " + commit + " -n1 --stat"
log = runCommand(logCommand)
descriptionText = descriptionText + "---- " + commit + " ----\n"
for line in log.splitlines():
# commit message lines and change id lines
if startsWith(line, " "):
if startsWith(line.strip(), "Change-Id: "):
changeId = stripPrefix(line.strip(), "Change-Id: ")
changeIdText = changeIdText + changeId + "\n"
descriptionText = descriptionText + line.strip() + '\n'
# changed file lines
elif startsWith(line, " "):
splits = line.split("|")
if len(splits) == 2:
filename = splits[0].strip()
if not filename in changedFileList:
if startsWith(filename, "Examples") or startsWith(filename, "Testing"):
# parse the diff of each Example or Testing file
for filename in exampleAndTestChangedFileList:
# Add filename
sampleCodeOldText = sampleCodeOldText + "---- " + filename + " ----\n"
sampleCodeNewText = sampleCodeNewText + "---- " + filename + " ----\n"
# get the log for the commit
fullPath = baseDir + "/" + filename
diffCommand = "git diff " + firstCommit + " " + commitList[len(commitList)-1] \
+ " -- " + fullPath
diff = runCommand(diffCommand)
# parse lines into old and new
for line in diff.splitlines():
# old line
if (not startsWith(line, "--")) and startsWith(line, "-"):
sampleCodeOldText = sampleCodeOldText + line.lstrip("-").strip() + "\n"
# new line
elif (not startsWith(line, "++")) and startsWith(line, "+"):
sampleCodeNewText = sampleCodeNewText + line.lstrip("+").strip() + "\n"
# Create XMl file text
xmlString = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n\n'
changeElementBody = ""
# <Title> element
titleComment = "Title for the online migration page"
changeElementBody = addXMLElement(changeElementBody, "Title", titleText, True, titleComment)
# <Description> element
descriptionComment = "Plain text description of the change\n-->Extracted from git commit messages"
changeElementBody = \
addXMLElement(changeElementBody, "Description",\
# This script will parse the Git commits on the current branch and initializes
# an XML migration guide document with the apropriate content.
import os.path
import sys
import subprocess
# Helper Functions #
# strip the prefix from the string in order
def stripPrefix(string, prefix):
if string[0:len(prefix)] == prefix:
return string[len(prefix):len(string)]
return string
# strip the suffix from the string in order
def stripSuffix(string, suffix):
if string[len(string)-len(suffix):len(string)] == suffix:
return string[0:len(string)-len(suffix)]
return string
# test the start of a string
def startsWith(string, prefix):
return (string.find(prefix) == 0)
# test the end of a string
def endsWith(string, suffix):
return (string.rfind(suffix) == len(string) - len(suffix))
# get the output of an external command
def runCommand(command):
args = command.split()
process = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout = subprocess.PIPE)
while process.returncode == None:
return process.communicate()[0]
# add proper number of indents
def getIndent(indent):
if indent:
return " "
return ""
# sub out protected characters
def prepXMLString(string):
out = string.replace("<", "<")
out = out.replace("&", "&")
out = out.replace(">", ">")
out = out.replace('"', """)
return out.replace("'", "'")
# add an element to the XML file string
def addXMLElement(xmlString, elementName, elementText, indent=False, comment = ""):
# comment
if comment != "":
xmlString = xmlString + getIndent(indent) + "<!--**\n"
for line in comment.splitlines():
xmlString = xmlString + getIndent(indent) + "** " + line + "\n"
if comment != "":
xmlString = xmlString + getIndent(indent) + "**-->\n"
# opening tag
xmlString = xmlString + getIndent(indent) + "<" + elementName + ">\n"
# body
for line in elementText.splitlines():
xmlString = xmlString + getIndent(indent) + " " + line + "\n"
# closing tag
return xmlString + getIndent(indent) + "</" + elementName + ">\n\n"
# add spaces for camel case string
def addCamelCaseSpaces(string):
firstLetter = True
out = ""
for letter in string:
if not firstLetter and letter.isupper():
out = out + " " + letter
out = out + letter
firstLetter = False
return out
# Main execution point #
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Get a unique XMLFileName from the user
# get directory info
migrationDir = sys.path[0]
baseDir = stripSuffix(migrationDir, "/Migration")
# get XMLFileName (loop until name is unique)
uniqueName = False
XMLFileName = ""
XMLFilePath = ""
print "Please enter a unique name for the XML document"
while uniqueName == False:
# get the user's input
nameCandidate = raw_input(">> ")
if not endsWith(nameCandidate, ".xml"):
nameCandidate = nameCandidate + ".xml"
pathCandidate = migrationDir + "/" + nameCandidate
# check uniqueness
if not os.path.exists(pathCandidate):
uniqueName = True
XMLFileName = nameCandidate
XMLFilePath = pathCandidate
print '"' + nameCandidate + '" already exists. Please specify a differnt name'
# split the name for the title tag
titleText = addCamelCaseSpaces(stripSuffix(XMLFileName, ".xml"))
# Get list of commits on current branch
# Get the current branch name
HEADfilename = baseDir + "/.git/HEAD"
HEADfile = open(HEADfilename, "r")
except IOError:
print "I/O error: Could not open .git/HEAD"
branchName = HEADfile.readline()
branchName = stripPrefix(branchName, "ref: refs/heads/")
branchName = stripSuffix(branchName, "\n")
# parse file in .git/logs/refs/heads/BRANCH_NAME
branchLogFilename = baseDir + "/.git/logs/refs/heads/" + branchName
branchLogFile = open(branchLogFilename, "r")
except IOError:
print "I/O error: Could not open branch log file"
# grab the commit lines, but ignore ammended ones
commitList = []
for line in branchLogFile.readlines():
if line.find("commit (amend):") == -1:
# Parse each commit's log
descriptionText = ""
changeIdText = ""
sampleCodeOldText = ""
sampleCodeNewText = ""
changedFileList = []
exampleAndTestChangedFileList = []
firstCommit = commitList[0];
for commit in commitList:
# get the log for the commit
logCommand = "git log " + commit + " -n1 --stat"
log = runCommand(logCommand)
descriptionText = descriptionText + "---- " + commit + " ----\n"
for line in log.splitlines():
# commit message lines and change id lines
if startsWith(line, " "):
if startsWith(line.strip(), "Change-Id: "):
changeId = stripPrefix(line.strip(), "Change-Id: ")
changeIdText = changeIdText + changeId + "\n"
descriptionText = descriptionText + line.strip() + '\n'
# changed file lines
elif startsWith(line, " "):
splits = line.split("|")
if len(splits) == 2:
filename = splits[0].strip()
if not filename in changedFileList:
if startsWith(filename, "Examples") or startsWith(filename, "Testing"):
# parse the diff of each Example or Testing file
for filename in exampleAndTestChangedFileList:
# Add filename
sampleCodeOldText = sampleCodeOldText + "---- " + filename + " ----\n"
sampleCodeNewText = sampleCodeNewText + "---- " + filename + " ----\n"
# get the log for the commit
fullPath = baseDir + "/" + filename
diffCommand = "git diff " + firstCommit + " " + commitList[len(commitList)-1] \
+ " -- " + fullPath
diff = runCommand(diffCommand)
# parse lines into old and new
for line in diff.splitlines():
# old line
if (not startsWith(line, "--")) and startsWith(line, "-"):
sampleCodeOldText = sampleCodeOldText + line.lstrip("-").strip() + "\n"
# new line
elif (not startsWith(line, "++")) and startsWith(line, "+"):
sampleCodeNewText = sampleCodeNewText + line.lstrip("+").strip() + "\n"
# Create XMl file text
xmlString = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n\n'
changeElementBody = ""
# <Title> element
titleComment = "Title for the online migration page"
changeElementBody = addXMLElement(changeElementBody, "Title", titleText, True, titleComment)
# <Description> element
descriptionComment = "Plain text description of the change\n-->Extracted from git commit messages"
changeElementBody = \
addXMLElement(changeElementBody, "Description",\
prepXMLString(descriptionText), True, descriptionComment)
# <SampleCode> element
sampleCodeComment = "Sample code snippets\n-->Extracted from git diff of changed files in Examples and Testing"
sampleCodeElementBody = ""
sampleCodeElementBody = \
addXMLElement(sampleCodeElementBody, "Old", prepXMLString(sampleCodeOldText))
sampleCodeElementBody = \
addXMLElement(sampleCodeElementBody, "New", prepXMLString(sampleCodeNewText))
changeElementBody = addXMLElement(changeElementBody, "SampleCode",\
sampleCodeElementBody, True, sampleCodeComment)
# <Gerrit-ChangeId> element
changeIdComment = "The change-ids for all commits in the topic branch"
changeElementBody = \
addXMLElement(changeElementBody, "Gerrit-ChangeId",\
changeIdText, True, changeIdComment)
# <FileList> element
fileListComment = "List of all changed files from the topic branch"
fileListText = ""
for f in changedFileList:
fileListText = fileListText + f + "\n"
changeElementBody = \
addXMLElement(changeElementBody, "FileList",\
fileListText, True, fileListComment)
# <Change> element
changeComment = "\n" + XMLFileName + "\n\n>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>\nTHIS FILE HAS BEEN AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED. EDIT IT BEFORE COMMITING\n<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n\n"
xmlString = addXMLElement(xmlString, "Change", changeElementBody, False, changeComment)
xmlString = xmlString.strip()
# Save the file
xmlFile = open(XMLFilePath, "w")
except IOError:
print "I/O Error: Could not write to " + XMLFilePath
sys.exit()criptionText), True, descriptionComment)
# <SampleCode> element
sampleCodeComment = "Sample code snippets\n-->Extracted from git diff of changed files in Examples and Testing"
sampleCodeElementBody = ""
sampleCodeElementBody = \
addXMLElement(sampleCodeElementBody, "Old", prepXMLString(sampleCodeOldText))
sampleCodeElementBody = \
addXMLElement(sampleCodeElementBody, "New", prepXMLString(sampleCodeNewText))
changeElementBody = addXMLElement(changeElementBody, "SampleCode",\
sampleCodeElementBody, True, sampleCodeComment)
# <Gerrit-ChangeId> element
changeIdComment = "The change-ids for all commits in the topic branch"
changeElementBody = \
addXMLElement(changeElementBody, "Gerrit-ChangeId",\
changeIdText, True, changeIdComment)
# <FileList> element
fileListComment = "List of all changed files from the topic branch"
fileListText = ""
for f in changedFileList:
fileListText = fileListText + f + "\n"
changeElementBody = \
addXMLElement(changeElementBody, "FileList",\
fileListText, True, fileListComment)
# <Change> element
changeComment = "\n" + XMLFileName + "\n\n>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>\nTHIS FILE HAS BEEN AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED. EDIT IT BEFORE COMMITING\n<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n\n"
xmlString = addXMLElement(xmlString, "Change", changeElementBody, False, changeComment)
xmlString = xmlString.strip()
# Save the file
xmlFile = open(XMLFilePath, "w")
except IOError:
print "I/O Error: Could not write to " + XMLFilePath