Comparison between the former shading model and the new one on a medical dataset representing a human thorax

Whether you are assessing the potential benefits of a surgical procedure, trying to understand human physiology better, or designing new pharmaceuticals, numerical simulation has a critical impact on the medical community. ParaView also makes it easy for researchers to present results. You can share informative animations via ParaView’s various rendering options, image capturing, animation controls, and even VR support to help get the point across.

ParaView provides the tools needed by medical researchers to efficiently display CT and MRI scanned data and evaluate their simulations in terms of:

  • State-of-the-art rendering techniques that leverage GPU performance to quickly display volumetric data and tools that can extract relevant geometry from these scans.
  • Simulation correctness and identifying issues with the simulation, such as modeling deficiencies, accuracy, convergence, etc.
  • Procedural evaluation by exploring key phenomena such as blood flow using state-of-the-art visualization.
  • Unexpected but potentially beneficial relationships between various simulation phenomena.

Advanced Features

ParaView provides the ability to visualize CT and MRI data through its support of DICOM. ParaView’s visualization tools are constantly evolving both through its open source community as well as through its use in top research laboratories around the world so the functionality it provides remains the state of the art. Click here to see a list of ParaView’s main filters and supported file formats.

Download ParaView

ParaView is a powerful medical visualization application. It can be customized to meet your specific requirements based on your area of research. Download ParaView to visualize and analyze your medical data or reach out for customization.

See ParaView in Action