Source code for paraview.benchmark.logparser

from __future__ import absolute_import

import sys
from . import logbase

[docs]class FrameLogEntry: '''A basic container for holding timing information for a given filter''' import re _timere = '([-+]?\\d*\\.?\\d+([eE][-+]?\\d+)?) +seconds' _match_filter = re.compile('Execute (\\w+) id: +(\\d+), +' + _timere) _match_vfilter = re.compile('Execute (\\w+) *, +' + _timere) _match_comp_comp = re.compile('TreeComp composite, *' + _timere) _match_comp_xmit = re.compile( 'TreeComp (Send|Receive) (\\d+) (to|from) (\\d+) uchar (\\d+), +' + _timere) _match_composite = re.compile('Compositing, +' + _timere) _match_send = re.compile('Sending, +' + _timere) _match_receive = re.compile('Receiving, +' + _timere) _match_still_render = re.compile('(Still) Render, +' + _timere) _match_interactive_render = re.compile('(Interactive) Render, +' + _timere) _match_render = re.compile('(\\w+|\\w+ Dev) Render, +' + _timere) _match_timeonly = re.compile('([^,]*), +' + _timere) def __init__(self, log_msg): ls = log_msg.strip() self.Indent = log_msg.find(ls) if not ls: self.Id = '-1' return self.Id, self.Name, self.Duration = FrameLogEntry._parse_message(ls) @classmethod def _parse_message(cls, msg): match = cls._match_filter.match(msg) if match: return,, float( match = cls._match_vfilter.match(msg) if match: return,, float( match = cls._match_comp_comp.match(msg) if match: return 'tree comp', 'tree comp', float( match = cls._match_comp_xmit.match(msg) if match: return name,, float( match = cls._match_composite.match(msg) if match: return 'comp', 'composite', float( match = cls._match_send.match(msg) if match: return 'send', 'send', float( match = cls._match_receive.match(msg) if match: return 'recv', 'receive', float( match = cls._match_still_render.match(msg) if match: return 'still',, float( match = cls._match_interactive_render.match(msg) if match: return 'inter',, float( match = cls._match_render.match(msg) if match: return 'render',, float( match = cls._match_timeonly.match(msg) if match: return '',, float( return None, None, None def __repr__(self): return '%(ind)s%(id)s %(name)s %(t)f' % \ {'ind': ' ' * self.Indent, 'id': self.Id, 'name': self.Name, 't': float('NaN') if self.Duration is None else self.Duration} def __eq__(self, other): return self.Indent == other.Indent and self.Id == other.Id and \ self.Name == other.Name
[docs]class FrameLog: '''Hold the log entries for an entire (sub-)frame''' def __init__(self, parent=None, indent=0): self.Parent = parent self.Indent = indent self.Logs = [] def __contains__(self, msg): return msg in [e for e in self.Logs if isinstance(e, FrameLogEntry)] def __str__(self): return '\n'.join(map(str, self.Logs))
def _parse_a_log(log, merge_before_nframes=0): '''Parse the raw logs for a rank into FrameLog and FrameLogEntry objects Keyword arguments: merge_before_nframes -- All entries before this many frames will be merged ''' all_frames = [] f = FrameLog() for l in log.lines: entry = FrameLogEntry(l) if entry.Id is None: continue # Start a new child entry if entry.Indent > f.Indent: fnew = FrameLog(parent=f, indent=entry.Indent) f.Logs.append(fnew) f = fnew # Fall back to parent entry elif entry.Indent < f.Indent: while entry.Indent < f.Indent: f = f.Parent # Check for a new frame if entry.Id == '-1' or (entry.Indent == 0 and entry in f): all_frames.append(f) f = FrameLog() if entry.Id != '-1': f.Logs.append(entry) # Combine the initial entries into a single 'Frame 0' entry if merge_before_nframes > 0: f0 = all_frames[0] list(map(lambda f: f0.Logs.extend(f.Logs), all_frames[1:-merge_before_nframes])) return [f0] + all_frames[-merge_before_nframes:] return all_frames
[docs]def process_logs(merge_before_nframes=0): '''Collect and parse logs for all ranks Keyword arguments: merge_before_nframes -- All entries before this many frames will be merged ''' logbase.get_logs() comp_rank_frame_logs = {} for log in logbase.logs: rank_frame_logs = comp_rank_frame_logs.setdefault(log.component, []) if len(rank_frame_logs) < log.rank + 1: rank_frame_logs.extend( [None] * (log.rank + 1 - len(rank_frame_logs))) rank_frame_logs[log.rank] = _parse_a_log(log, merge_before_nframes) return comp_rank_frame_logs
def _init_log_collection(logs): '''Initialize a collection of logs for statistics purposes''' col = [] for l in logs: if isinstance(l, FrameLogEntry): l = l.__dict__ elif isinstance(l, FrameLog): l = l.Logs if isinstance(l, dict): col.append({'Id': l['Id'], 'Name': l['Name'], 'Duration': [l['Duration']]}) else: assert isinstance(l, list) col.append(_init_log_collection(l)) return col def _append_log_collection(col_entry, log): if isinstance(log, FrameLogEntry): log = log.__dict__ elif isinstance(log, FrameLog): log = log.Logs if isinstance(log, dict): assert isinstance(col_entry, dict) assert col_entry['Id'] == log['Id'] assert col_entry['Name'] == log['Name'] col_entry['Duration'].append(log['Duration']) else: assert isinstance(log, list) assert isinstance(col_entry, list) for c, l in zip(col_entry, log): _append_log_collection(c, l)
[docs]class BasicStats: def __init__(self, samples=[]): self.K = 0 self.N = 0 self.Ex = 0 self.Ex2 = 0 self.Min = None self.Max = None self._Mean = None self._StdDev = None list(map(self.add_sample, samples))
[docs] def add_sample(self, x): if self.N == 0: self.K = x self.N += 1 self.Ex += x - self.K self.Ex2 += (x - self.K) * (x - self.K) if self.Min is None or x < self.Min: self.Min = x if self.Max is None or x > self.Max: self.Max = x self._Mean = None self._StdDev = None
@property def Mean(self): if self.N == 0: return None if self._Mean is None: self._Mean = self.K + self.Ex / self.N return self._Mean @property def StdDev(self): if self.N == 0: return None if self._StdDev is None: if self.N == 1: self._StdDev = 0 else: import math self._StdDev = math.sqrt( (self.Ex2 - (self.Ex * self.Ex) / self.N) / (self.N - 1)) return self._StdDev def __repr__(self): return 'Count: %(count)d, Mean: %(mean)f, StdDev: %(stddev)f, Min: %(min)f, Max: %(max)f' % {'count': self.N, 'min': self.Min, 'max': self.Max, 'mean': self.Mean, 'stddev': self.StdDev}
def _collect_stats(logs, stat_summary): '''Compute statistics and group a set of logs as a list of durations''' stats = [] for l in logs: if isinstance(l, dict): b = BasicStats(l['Duration']) stats.append({'Id': l['Id'], 'Name': l[ 'Name'], 'Stats': b, 'Duration': getattr(b, stat_summary)}) else: assert isinstance(l, list) stats.append(_collect_stats(l, stat_summary)) return stats
[docs]def collect_stats(frame_logs, stat_summary='Mean'): '''Collect statistics on the specified key in a set of logs''' if isinstance(frame_logs[0], FrameLog): frame_logs = [x.Logs for x in frame_logs] log_collection = _init_log_collection(frame_logs[0]) for f in frame_logs[1:]: for log_collection_entry, l in zip(log_collection, f): _append_log_collection(log_collection_entry, l) return _collect_stats(log_collection, stat_summary)
[docs]def process_stats_across_ranks(rank_frame_logs): '''Calculate stats across all ranks for each frame''' frame_stats = [] for f in range(1, len(rank_frame_logs[0])): rank_logs = [r[f] for r in rank_frame_logs] frame_stats.append(collect_stats(rank_logs, 'Max')) return frame_stats
[docs]def summarize_stats(rank_frame_logs): '''Summarize statistics across ranks, and then across frames''' try: frame_stats = process_stats_across_ranks(rank_frame_logs) try: summary_stats = collect_stats(frame_stats) except: return frame_stats, None except: return None, None return frame_stats, summary_stats
[docs]def write_stats_to_file(stats, indent=0, outfile=sys.stdout): '''Print the statics for a given frame''' for s in stats: if isinstance(s, dict): outfile.write( ' ' * indent + s['Id'] + ' ' + s['Name'] + ', ' + str(s['Stats']) + '\n') else: assert isinstance(s, list) write_stats_to_file(s, indent + 4, outfile)
[docs]def summarize_results(num_frames, num_seconds_m0, items_per_frame, item_label, save_logs=False, output_basename=None): '''Process the timing logs to display, save, and gather stats Keyword arguments: num_frames -- Number of frames to process num_seconds_m0 -- Total number of seconds, excluding the first frame items_per_frame -- Number of items per frame getting processed item_label -- Output label for associated items_per_frame save_logs -- Whether or not to write the logs to a file output_basename -- Basename to use for output files ''' comp_rank_frame_logs = process_logs(num_frames - 1) if save_logs: logbase.dump_logs(output_basename + '.logs.raw.bin') with open(output_basename + '.logs.parsed.bin', 'wb') as ofile: import pickle pickle.dump(comp_rank_frame_logs, ofile) # Only deal with the server logs if 'Servers' in comp_rank_frame_logs.keys(): rank_frame_logs = comp_rank_frame_logs['Servers'] elif 'ClientAndServers' in comp_rank_frame_logs.keys(): rank_frame_logs = comp_rank_frame_logs['ClientAndServers'] else: rank_frame_logs = None print('\nStatistics:\n' + '=' * 40 + '\n') if rank_frame_logs: print('Rank 0 Frame 0\n' + '-' * 40) print(rank_frame_logs[0][0]) print('') if save_logs: with open(output_basename + '.stats.r0f0.txt', 'w') as ofile: ofile.write(str(rank_frame_logs[0][0])) frame_stats, summary_stats = summarize_stats(rank_frame_logs) if frame_stats: for f in range(0, len(frame_stats)): print('Frame ' + str(f + 1) + '\n' + '-' * 40) write_stats_to_file(frame_stats[f], outfile=sys.stdout) print('') with open(output_basename + '.stats.frame.txt', 'w') as ofile: for f in range(0, len(frame_stats)): ofile.write('Frame ' + str(f + 1) + '\n' + '-' * 40 + '\n') write_stats_to_file(frame_stats[f], outfile=ofile) ofile.write('\n') if summary_stats: print('Frame Summary\n' + '-' * 40) write_stats_to_file(summary_stats, outfile=sys.stdout) if save_logs: with open(output_basename + '.stats.summary.txt', 'w') as ofile: write_stats_to_file(summary_stats, outfile=ofile) fps = (num_frames - 1) / num_seconds_m0 ips = fps * items_per_frame print('') print('Frames / Sec: %(fps).2f' % {'fps': fps}) print('%(ilabel)s / Frame: %(ipf)d' % {'ilabel': item_label, 'ipf': items_per_frame}) print('Mi%(ilabel)s / Sec: %(ips).3f' % {'ilabel': item_label, 'ips': ips / (1024.0 * 1024.0)})