This is the complete list of members for pqRenderView, including all inherited members.
addHelperProxy(const QString &key, vtkSMProxy *) | pqProxy | virtual |
addInternalHelperProxy(const QString &key, vtkSMProxy *) const | pqProxy | protectedvirtual |
adjustAzimuth(const double &value) | pqRenderView | virtual |
adjustElevation(const double &value) | pqRenderView | virtual |
adjustRoll(const double &value) | pqRenderView | virtual |
adjustView(const int &adjustType, const double &angle) | pqRenderView | virtual |
adjustZoom(const double &value) | pqRenderView | virtual |
applyIsometricView() | pqRenderView | virtual |
beginDelayInteractiveRender() | pqRenderViewBase | protectedslot |
beginProgress() | pqView | signal |
beginRender() | pqView | signal |
cancelPendingRenders() | pqView | slot |
canDisplay(pqOutputPort *opPort) const | pqView | |
canRedo() const override | pqRenderView | virtual |
canRedoChanged(bool) | pqView | signal |
canUndo() const override | pqRenderView | virtual |
canUndoChanged(bool) | pqView | signal |
clearUndoStack() | pqRenderView | virtual |
createWidget() override | pqRenderView | protectedvirtual |
cursor() | pqRenderView | virtual |
cursorVisible() | pqRenderView | |
endDelayInteractiveRender() | pqRenderViewBase | protectedslot |
endProgress() | pqView | signal |
endRender() | pqView | signal |
eventFilter(QObject *caller, QEvent *e) override | pqRenderViewBase | protected |
fakeInteraction(bool start) | pqRenderView | protectedvirtual |
fakeUndoRedo(bool redo, bool self) | pqRenderView | protectedvirtual |
findProxyWithHelper(vtkSMProxy *aproxy, QString &key) | pqProxy | static |
forceRender() | pqView | virtualslot |
getCenterAxesVisibility() const | pqRenderView | virtual |
getCenterOfRotation(double center[3]) const | pqRenderView | virtual |
getClientSideView() const | pqView | virtual |
getConnector() | pqServerManagerModelItem | protected |
getHelperKeys() const | pqProxy | |
getHelperProxies() const | pqProxy | |
getHelperProxies(const QString &key) const | pqProxy | |
getHints() const | pqProxy | |
getNumberOfRepresentations() const | pqView | |
getNumberOfVisibleDataRepresentations() const | pqView | |
getNumberOfVisibleRepresentations() const | pqView | |
getOrientationAxesInteractivity() const | pqRenderView | virtual |
getOrientationAxesLabelColor() const | pqRenderView | virtual |
getOrientationAxesOutlineColor() const | pqRenderView | virtual |
getOrientationAxesVisibility() const | pqRenderView | virtual |
getProxy() const | pqProxy | |
getRenderViewProxy() const | pqRenderView | virtual |
getRepresentation(int index) const | pqView | |
getRepresentations() const | pqView | |
getResetCenterWithCamera() const | pqRenderView | inlinevirtual |
getServer() const | pqProxy | |
getSize() | pqView | virtual |
getSMGroup() | pqProxy | |
getSMName() | pqProxy | |
getUseMultipleRepresentationSelection() const | pqRenderView | inlinevirtual |
getViewProxy() const | pqView | |
getViewType() const | pqView | inline |
hasRepresentation(pqRepresentation *repr) const | pqView | |
initialize() override | pqRenderView | protectedvirtual |
initializeAfterObjectsCreated() | pqRenderViewBase | protectedvirtualslot |
linkToOtherView() | pqRenderView | virtualslot |
linkUndoStack(pqRenderView *other) | pqRenderView | virtual |
MODIFIED enum value | pqProxy | |
ModifiedState enum name | pqProxy | |
modifiedState() const | pqProxy | inline |
modifiedStateChanged(pqServerManagerModelItem *) | pqProxy | signal |
multipleSelected(QList< pqOutputPort *> opports) | pqView | signal |
nameChanged(pqServerManagerModelItem *) | pqProxy | signal |
onGenericFilmicPresetsChange() | pqRenderView | protectedvirtualslot |
onInteractionModeChange() | pqRenderView | protectedvirtualslot |
onProxyRegistered(const QString &, const QString &, vtkSMProxy *) | pqProxy | protectedslot |
onProxyUnRegistered(const QString &, const QString &, vtkSMProxy *) | pqProxy | protectedslot |
onResetCameraEvent() | pqRenderView | protectedvirtualslot |
onUndoStackChanged() | pqRenderView | protectedvirtualslot |
pick(int pos[2]) | pqRenderView | virtual |
pickBlock(int pos[2], unsigned int &flatIndex, int &rank) | pqRenderView | virtual |
picked(pqOutputPort *opport) | pqView | signal |
pqProxy(const QString &group, const QString &name, vtkSMProxy *proxy, pqServer *server, QObject *parent=nullptr) | pqProxy | |
pqRenderView(const QString &group, const QString &name, vtkSMViewProxy *renModule, pqServer *server, QObject *parent=nullptr) | pqRenderView | |
pqRenderView(const QString &tname, const QString &group, const QString &name, vtkSMViewProxy *renModule, pqServer *server, QObject *parent=nullptr) | pqRenderView | |
pqRenderViewBase(const QString &type, const QString &group, const QString &name, vtkSMViewProxy *renModule, pqServer *server, QObject *parent=nullptr) | pqRenderViewBase | protected |
pqServerManagerModelItem(QObject *parent=nullptr) | pqServerManagerModelItem | |
pqView(const QString &type, const QString &group, const QString &name, vtkSMViewProxy *view, pqServer *server, QObject *parent=nullptr) | pqView | protected |
progress(const QString &message, int percent_progress) | pqView | signal |
proxyManager() const | pqProxy | |
PV_SELECTION_ADDITION enum value | pqView | |
PV_SELECTION_DEFAULT enum value | pqView | |
PV_SELECTION_SUBTRACTION enum value | pqView | |
PV_SELECTION_TOGGLE enum value | pqView | |
redo() override | pqRenderView | slot |
removeHelperProxy(const QString &key, vtkSMProxy *) | pqProxy | |
removeInternalHelperProxy(const QString &key, vtkSMProxy *) const | pqProxy | protectedvirtual |
removeViewLinks() | pqRenderView | slot |
rename(const QString &newname) | pqProxy | |
render() | pqView | virtualslot |
renderViewType() | pqRenderView | inlinestatic |
representationAdded(pqRepresentation *) | pqView | signal |
representationRemoved(pqRepresentation *) | pqView | signal |
representationVisibilityChanged(pqRepresentation *repr, bool visible) | pqView | signal |
resetCamera(bool closest=false, double offsetRatio=0.9) override | pqRenderView | virtual |
resetCenterOfRotation() | pqRenderView | virtual |
resetCenterOfRotationIfNeeded() | pqRenderView | inlinevirtualslot |
ResetCenterWithCamera | pqRenderView | protected |
resetDisplay(bool closest=false) override | pqRenderViewBase | virtual |
resetParallelScale() | pqRenderView | virtual |
resetViewDirection(double look_x, double look_y, double look_z, double up_x, double up_y, double up_z) | pqRenderView | virtual |
resetViewDirectionToNegativeX() | pqRenderView | virtual |
resetViewDirectionToNegativeY() | pqRenderView | virtual |
resetViewDirectionToNegativeZ() | pqRenderView | virtual |
resetViewDirectionToPositiveX() | pqRenderView | virtual |
resetViewDirectionToPositiveY() | pqRenderView | virtual |
resetViewDirectionToPositiveZ() | pqRenderView | virtual |
rstToHtml(const char *rstStr) | pqProxy | static |
rstToHtml(const QString &rstStr) | pqProxy | static |
selectBlock(int rectangle[4], int selectionModifier=pqView::PV_SELECTION_DEFAULT) | pqRenderView | virtual |
selectCellsOnSurface(int rectangle[4], int selectionModifier=pqView::PV_SELECTION_DEFAULT, const char *array=nullptr) | pqRenderView | virtual |
selected(pqOutputPort *opport) | pqView | signal |
selectFrustumBlocks(int rectangle[4], int selectionModifier=pqView::PV_SELECTION_DEFAULT) | pqRenderView | virtual |
selectFrustumCells(int rectangle[4], int selectionModifier=pqView::PV_SELECTION_DEFAULT) | pqRenderView | virtual |
selectFrustumPoints(int rectangle[4], int selectionModifier=pqView::PV_SELECTION_DEFAULT) | pqRenderView | virtual |
SelectionModifier enum name | pqView | |
selectPointsOnSurface(int rectangle[4], int selectionModifier=pqView::PV_SELECTION_DEFAULT, const char *array=nullptr) | pqRenderView | virtual |
selectPolygonCells(vtkIntArray *polygon, int selectionModifier=pqView::PV_SELECTION_DEFAULT) | pqRenderView | virtual |
selectPolygonPoints(vtkIntArray *polygon, int selectionModifier=pqView::PV_SELECTION_DEFAULT) | pqRenderView | virtual |
setCenterAxesVisibility(bool visible) | pqRenderView | virtualslot |
setCenterOfRotation(double x, double y, double z) | pqRenderView | virtualslot |
setCenterOfRotation(double xyz[3]) | pqRenderView | inlinevirtualslot |
setCursor(const QCursor &) | pqRenderView | virtual |
setCursorVisible(bool visible) | pqRenderView | |
setModifiedState(ModifiedState modified) | pqProxy | |
setOrientationAxesInteractivity(bool interactive) | pqRenderView | virtualslot |
setOrientationAxesLabelColor(const QColor &) | pqRenderView | virtualslot |
setOrientationAxesOutlineColor(const QColor &) | pqRenderView | virtualslot |
setOrientationAxesVisibility(bool visible) | pqRenderView | virtualslot |
setParallelScale(double scale) | pqRenderView | virtualslot |
setResetCenterWithCamera(bool b) | pqRenderView | inlinevirtualslot |
setSMName(const QString &new_name) | pqProxy | protected |
setUseMultipleRepresentationSelection(bool b) | pqRenderView | inlinevirtualslot |
supportsCapture() const override | pqRenderView | inlinevirtual |
supportsUndo() const override | pqRenderView | inlinevirtual |
undo() override | pqRenderView | slot |
UNINITIALIZED enum value | pqProxy | |
unlinkUndoStack(pqRenderView *other) | pqRenderView | virtual |
UNMODIFIED enum value | pqProxy | |
updateDataEvent() | pqView | signal |
updateHelperProxies() const | pqProxy | |
updateInteractionMode(int mode) | pqRenderView | signal |
updateInteractionMode(pqOutputPort *opPort) | pqRenderView | virtualslot |
updateStatusMessage() | pqRenderViewBase | protectedslot |
UseMultipleRepresentationSelection | pqRenderView | protected |
userModifiedSMName() | pqProxy | inline |
widget() | pqView | |
~pqProxy() override | pqProxy | |
~pqRenderView() override | pqRenderView | |
~pqRenderViewBase() override | pqRenderViewBase | |
~pqServerManagerModelItem() override | pqServerManagerModelItem | |
~pqView() override | pqView |