ParaView CoProcessing

The CoProcessing library is designed to be called from parallel simulation codes to reduce the size of the information that is saved while also keeping the important information available as results. More...


class  vtkCPCxxHelper
 Singleton class for initializing without python. More...
class  vtkCPDataDescription
 This class provides the description of the data for the coprocessor pipelines. More...
class  vtkCPInputDataDescription
 This class provides the data description for each input for the coprocessor pipelines. More...
class  vtkCPPipeline
 Generic interface for operating on pipelines. More...
class  vtkCPProcessor
 There are 3 distinct phases for the operation of a co-processor. More...
class  vtkCPXMLPWriterPipeline
 Generic PXML writer pipeline to write out the full Catalyst input datasets. More...
class  vtkCPPythonPipeline
 Abstract class that takes care of initializing Catalyst Python pipelines for all concrete implementations and adds in some useful helper methods. More...
class  vtkCPPythonScriptPipeline
 Class that creates a coprocessing pipeline starting from a coprocessing script. More...
class  vtkCPPythonStringPipeline
 Class that creates a coprocessing pipeline from a coprocessing string. More...

Detailed Description

The CoProcessing library is designed to be called from parallel simulation codes to reduce the size of the information that is saved while also keeping the important information available as results.